Pay attention! Amazing things are happening all around you. You just have to see them.
the next time you are out shopping, look around you and try to count the number of people you see whit red hair. Is there a story in that?
the guy who wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories thought so! Paying attention to the world around you is the first step in developing ideas.

Listen! How do people put words together when they talk? Words fall into place and make stories.
the more you listen to others, the better writer you will become.

Think! When somebody tells you about something, think about it for a minute.
are there two sides to the story? Is Mrs. ABC really and truly the worst teacher in the world? Is Coach XYZ really blind and stupid? Is that famous actress with the blond hair as smart as she seems in the movie? Will your liver actually turn upside down if you stand on your head? Are elephants the only mammals who can’t jump?
Question things. You’ll be surprised how many ideas you’ll get that way.

Get used to writing! Start a diary. When you see something interesting or when something happens, make a note of it in your diary.
your diary doesn’t have to be fancy, either. A small notebook will do.

Reed a book! You know those funny looking things made from papers stuck together with words inside?
you can find them all kind of places, like libraries, schools, and even grocery stores. Pick one up and start reading.

Follow The Basic set Up

Introduction (Introduces characters, setting, time, ect.)

Initiating Action (The point of a story that starts the risings action)

Rising Action (Events leading up to the climax/turning point)

Climax (The most intese point of the story/the turning point of the story)

Falling Action (Your story begins to conclude)

Resolution/Conclusion (A satisfying ending to the story in which the central conflict is resolved – or not - )

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