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Veronica \v(e)-roni-ca, ver(o)-nica\ as a girl's name is pronounced ver-RON-ni-kah. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Veronica is "true image". Saint Veronica (17th century) was an Italian mystic and saint. She was said to have offered Jesus a cloth to wipe his face as he faltered on his way to crucifixion. She obtained a miraculous "true image" (in Latin "a vera icon") of Jesus' face on the cloth. Also variant of Bernice (Greek) "bringer of victory". The name first appeared in Britain in the 17th century, and spread beyond Catholic families in the 19th century.

Ja, mijn naam is Veronica. Nee, mijn ouders zijn niet Katholiek, maar ik ben wel hun "bringer fo victory", zoals ze vaak genoeg hebben verteld. En ik zou volgens hem, ook de "true image" van de liefde zijn.

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