Dit zijn kleine deeltjes van liedje die ik afgelopen week heb geschreven.
Geen nare, reacties a.u.b.

Dit is hoe ik me voel.
This is for the girl with the broken heart,
for the girl who already is ripped apart.
For the one with the big crying eyes
for the one who hate al the lies.
To insecure to tell her judgement.
not strong enough to stand.
But that girl knows deep inside.
she is beautiful and don’t have to hide.

That girl, is me.

Dit is hoe ik wil zijn
My walls are already broken down.
But now im standing stronger on the ground.
Im sure I can do this on my own.
I do it myself.

Let them scream.
I don’t hear it
Let them gossip.
I don’t feel it.
Let them do anything they want.

I dont care

Reageer (1)

  • Vilhena

    :') Dit is zo mooi. Ik heb kippelvel, echt waar.
    And you know, this is exactly how I feel :3

    1 decennium geleden

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