Foto bij hoofdstuk 4

Rowen is in the airport now. After a long time, she could finally leave her mother, or her mother could leave her. She was almost too late for her plane, but she made it, and now she’s in the plane, on her way to meet her ‘brother’. Happily her father could make her mother stay in the car, ‘cause otherwise they would see that there was no one from her school, so she’s lost of that! When she arrives in Great Britain, she immediately searches a restaurant. She founds the Nandos. ‘Niall’s favorite restaurant’, she thinks, ‘that’s where I will go to’. When she is eating, she agrees immediately why Niall likes it so much here: it is delicious food! Now it just would be awesome when Niall gets in and eats something, she would really freak out! But just when she says that… it doesn’t happen. So she moves on, but where is the street from the address her brother sended to her? Let’s just ask. After an hour walking, ‘cause in Great Britain they of course don’t have euros, but pounds, and she doesn’t have that, so no taxi, no bus or no train, and no friendly people who want to drive her, so she has to walk, she is finally there. It’s a sort of hotel for celebrity, so is her brother a celebrity?! When she goes to the bar to ask in what room she stays, she sees Liam from One Direction walking there. Oh my god!!!!! It’s Liam!! From One Direction!! Now she is freaking out!! Creepy much!! And breath, breath in and out, inhale, exhale, and talk.
‘Hello, my name is Rowen Vanderbilt, I just wanna ask what room I sleep in’
‘You sleep in the first room of floor D’
‘Thank you’, and she leaves to her room. When she comes there, there’s a paper on her bed.
Hello, Rowen, it says, this little letter is from your brother. Welcome to Great Britain and welcome in room 1D. meet me on 28 August, in the hale on floor B, before room 12 at 3. 28 August?! That’s tomorrow! She is so exited! And she is freaking out (again) so much!!

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