‘So how is Belgium?’, Liam asks while you are both siting on your bed
‘Belgium is rainy’, you say
‘Great Britain to’
‘Awesome!’, you say sarcastic
‘But when you live with us, you will always have fun’
‘Probably!’ you say, and then it’s quite for a while. His eyes are so beautiful. From who would he have that? From mom or dad? Or is it a combination? And his smell. It’s so good! Really good. Is it a perfume or is it him who smells so good? From who would he get it? From mom or dad? Would I have the same smell? Let’s just ask
‘Do you have those eyes from mom or dad?’
‘I don’t know’, he says
‘Are my parents the ones who lied, or yours?’
‘What do you mean? We have the same parents’
‘I mean, am I your sister or are you my brother?’, you ask
‘Euh,… both’
‘… I mean, am I adopted or you?’
‘Oh, euh,.. you are’
‘oh’, she say disappointed
‘I’m sorry to say this’
‘No, you don’t have to be. You can’t do anything about it’
‘Still I’m sorry’
‘You’re sweet. But how does it axially comes that you live in Great-Britain, and I in Belgium?’
‘At first, my… our parents lived in Belgium. They didn’t want any children, but after a drunk night, they… you know… they had fun. And my mo… our mother got pregnant. From a twin. At first, she didn’t want us, but she decided to late and we were born. We were born close after each other, and they didn’t knew if you were healthy, so when… OUR mom got out of the hospital, they let you there and ran away with me to Great-Britain. I founded it out when I was cleaning the house to go on a tour. I founded a book with all information about both of us. After the tour I searched your E-mail address and sended my first mail’
‘So, you were a Belgian?! Awesome! But still it’s impossible. I was born 26 August and you 29 August’
‘Than your adoption parents lied to you’
Rowen doesn’t know what to say
‘They lied to me?! So I was born 29 August?!’
He takes his bag and searches something in it. Finally he gets a little book out. On the front page is says: ‘dit boekje is van: Liam en Rowen Payne’. Translation: ‘this book is from Liam and Rowen Payne’. It’s a birth booklet. He pointes at it: ‘Here is all the prove. Anything you wanna know’ and he gives her the booklet.
‘You’re welcome. But I’ll leave you alone so you can read it’
‘No, stay. I can read this another time. First I wanna know you better’
‘Ok: my name is Liam Payne. Since now I have real sister…’
‘How about your sisters?’, Rowen interrupts him
‘Ruth en Nicola? They weren’t my real sisters. They are just living in our house, but they are planning to buy an apartment for their own. I think my parents will be happy when they leave, because with us 2, they will have enough’
‘Oh, ok’
‘Should I go on with my introduction? My real sister’s name is Rowen, Payne, now. I’m…’, but Rowen interrupts him again.
‘I know that!’, she says and she laughs. The rest of the evening they are talking and laughing. Liam is such an awesome brother!

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