Suddenly Rowen’s phone goes again. But she is still laughing. She tries to pick up, which is hard, ‘cause Louis is still laughing.
‘Hello’, she says while she’s laughing
‘Rowen is that you? What are you doing?’
‘Mom, is that you?’
‘No, Rowen, it’s me, Loni!’
‘Oh, hahahey’
‘Do you compare me with your mother? That’s so rude!’
‘hahahaI’m sorry’
‘Why are you… stop laughing!’
‘I cahahahan’t’
‘stop laughing. With who are you laughing? Stop it! It’s not fun!’
‘I’m laughing with hahahaha Louis’
‘Louis? What Louis? Tell me about it, and stop laughing!’
‘I’m gonna go to the hall!’, she says to the boys and she stumbles to the door, while she is laughing, but she doesn’t even reach the door, she just falls down because of the laughing. Loni is screaming in phone:
‘Rowen, what happened? Are you ok? Rowen! Answer me! Rowen! Should I say it in Dutch? Wat is er gebeurt? Geef antwoord!’
‘Ik ik viel op de grond van het la van het lachen’
‘Je viel op de grond? Gaat het? Met wie ben ja aan het lachen? Met Louis? Waarom?’
‘Ja, ik ben aan het lachen met Louis’, she said when she could stop laughing, ‘omdat hij altijd zo raar doet en gek doet, en Louis, waarom ben je nu weer aan het la.. why are you laughing now?’, and she also laughs.
‘Dutch is such a funny language!’, he says and he laughs again. Rowen goes to the hall and laughs.
‘Ben je daar nog?’, vraagt Loni, wanneer ze hoort dat het stil is aan de andere kant van de lijn
‘Yes, i’m still here’
‘Dutch please’
‘Sorry, het is moeilijk om de klik te maken tussen Nederlands en Engels’
‘Blijkbaar. Maar wie is die Louis nu?’
‘Wacht even’. Rowen opens the door from the room of the boys. When she opens it, Niall is also laughing now. She can control her laugh and asks what she wanna ask. The boys agree, and Rowen returns to the hall to tell Loni the good news.

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