een hoofdsuk voor mijn DBFF, ze zal freaken!!!! (k)

After a week of having fun, the girls leave because their parents called them. They have to leave. It’s pity, but when they have to, they have to. Rowen will miss them, but with the boys there’s no time to miss them. But deep in her hart, she will miss them. Sure! Rowen and Harry bring them to airport so they could talk with each other on their way back. Nothing special, just a talk every couple would have. When they get back, they just have their “ordinary” life back. Eleanor is with them for today. When she arrives, she is shy, but Rowen is shy to. A person she heard about very often, but still she’s afraid from her. She looks very nice and sweet, but shy. Louis takes Eleanor’s hand, pulls her a bit closer to him and whispers something in her ear. She smiles unsure, but walks than to Rowen. Before she starts talking she turns her head around and looks at Louis. He nods and she turns her head back around to Rowen
‘Hello’, she says, ‘I’m Eleanor’
‘I know. I’m Rowen. Payne. Rowen Payne since now’
‘Nice to meet you, Rowen Payne’
‘You can say Rowen’
‘Good’, Eleanor says. Now they don’t know what to say anymore. Eleanor looks again at Louis. He does a sign like ‘stay talking’. She looks back at Rowen
‘C’mon, Harry,’ Louis says, ‘we will let the girls alone’. Eleanor runs to Louis, hugs him, but in the meantime she whispers something in his ear. They stay whisper-talking, while Harry goes to Rowen
‘What’s wrong with her?’, she asks
‘She’s shy with people she don’t know’
‘Oh, ok’, but Louis interrupts their little talk by saying: ‘C’mon Harry, we’ll go’. Harry gives Rowen a kiss and leaves. Now she and Eleanor are alone
‘You want something to drink?’, Rowen asks while she walks to the kitchen
‘Yes, sure’, Eleanor answers
‘Just water?’
‘Yes, water’s good’, Eleanor says afraid. Rowen takes a glace and fills it with water
‘How long are you and Louis together now?’, Rowen asks to start a conversation
‘I don’t know’, Eleanor says. With that they start talking. Eleanor is a nice girl when she isn’t afraid to talk. Suddenly Rowen gets a call. It’s Liam
‘Hi, Liam’
‘Hi, sis’. It’s quiet
‘Why are you calling?’
‘I just wanna ask you a phone number’
‘911’, Rowen says. He starts laughing. Eleanor is looking strange. Why would a Belgian girl give the phone number of the police to her British brother?
‘I don’t need that phone number. I need, no, I would like to have the number of your friend’
‘What friend?’, Rowen ask, ‘Eleanor?’. Eleanor gets a big smile. Rowen just called her ‘her friend’
‘No, not Eleanor’s, Loni’s’
‘Oh, that explains a lot’, Rowen says with a laugh in his voice
‘Just give it to me’

Reageer (2)

  • Merry10002Xx

    Hahaha loni!! Uw reactie!

    1 decennium geleden
  • LoverOfTheRain

    mjsCQJSDKCBDMVUjqbxcsbc!!!!!!!! dkjhvlkjrzefvbhlqzekjdbv!!!!!

    1 decennium geleden

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