Prison Of My Memories & Dreams - Hatake Kazumi's Theme

Prison Of My Memories & Dreams

Slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity
Straining everything into a deep crimson karma
I'm lost in sadness, still trying to pick myself up
Why am I in a place of evil and darkness?
All I can see are the dead people and the blood-filled memories

I wake from the dream of dancing emotions that tear up the stars in the moonlight
I’ve just been crying again and again
The past that rusted with me, and the unseen future too.
They're imprinted in my heart
How can I escape from these memories and pain inside?

My wings have been pulled off
Once more I fall deeper in the darkness

The darkness around me and forgotten memories
Everywhere I look, people die
All because of that mysterious power inside of me
One day I’ll be stronger
So I can fight the demon inside of me

How can I escape from these memories and pain inside?
I keep on asking questions again and again
There are no answers to my past and memories
Inside I’m crying out loud, how can I escape from this world?

Everyday I think of the blood-filled memories
It's a constant painful reminder of my own anguish
I’m sick and tired of it

Every time I look around, I’m alone.
No one sees the pain of my misery inside

But one day I’ll be stronger
Strong enough to keep on fighting in this world
I’ll turn the light on in the darkness

Speciaal voor Kazu-Nyan (Kazumi) gemaakt gister ;3 Eigenlijk vandaag.. 28/12/2011 om kwart voor 4 =X

Reageer (6)

  • xRian

    OMG!!!!! PATRIES Dit is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! *FANGIRL* ~^W^~

    1 decennium geleden
  • BubbleLovish

    Jij kan ook nog eens super gedichten schrijven!
    Lady you really got tallent!

    1 decennium geleden
  • IDunnoXD

    it's beautiful!!

    1 decennium geleden
  • CursedDitto


    Been there, done that...
    The light button is unreachable...
    It's in sight, but out of reach
    Longer arms won't work,
    neither will stairs...

    Now I need to search for a second button,
    or maybe a flashlight.
    Why is it so damn hard to find...
    I hate this darkness, but hating makes it worse...
    The only solution is to follow your heart...

    Dat kon ik na deze song zo uit m'n duim zuigen,
    het inspireert en past er goed bij.

    Goed bezig =)

    1 decennium geleden
  • SnoopyTheDog



    *heeft er geen woorden voor verder*

    1 decennium geleden

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