Looking down on me

I know you're somewhere,
Somewhere high up there.
looking down on me,
the only way you can see.
only you know what I feel inside,
and everything I can hide.
no one knows my feelings, they only think they do,
my heart doesn't need a pair drups of glue.
the only thing I need is another you.
your soul will rise in my new sweetheart
so my heart won't fall apart.
I love you, but I need to move on
starting with my new life that has already begone.
be safe my darling, rest in peace
you were the hardest to ever release

I Miss You and I will love you forever

Reageer (1)

  • ImmaBeAPenguin

    dit past bij mijn verhaal Element Creatures wat ik ook nog ga schrijfen!
    mag ik dit ook gebruiken?(flower)

    weer prachtig(H)

    1 decennium geleden

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