My bucket list

Bucket list.
- Visit New York City
- Visit London
- Meet Justin
- Go to the Believe Tour [13'04'13!]
- Hug Justin
- Have a holiday crush
- Have my diner at Nando’s
- Drink Coffee at Starbucks
- Have friends that live in the U.K./U.S.A.
- Visit my family in New Sealand
- Use a payphone in London
- Go on a picture with a celebrity
- Fly first class
- Go backstage at a concert
- Have a webcam session with a celebrity
- Swim with dolphins
- Learn how to play the guitar
- Watch the sunset with my boyfriend
- Adopt a dog
- Save someone's life
- Work for charity
- Write a song
- Go to Disneyland
- Send a story to a publisher
- Swim at night
- Go skinny-dipping
- Get my drivers’ licence
- Fire a gun
- Get hypnotized
- Write a book
- Go to the Olympics
- Go to a movie premier
- Buy a house
- Jump into a pool with my clothes on
- Try sushi
- Get married
- Go to a live TV show
- Be in a movie
- Swim under a waterfall
- Go to a drive-in movie
- Go to Times Square on new years eve
- Go on a hot air balloon
- Go on a world trip
- Sleep a night under the stars
- Throw a pie in someone’s face
- Get in a taxi and yell ‘Follow that car!’
- Walk around in a banana suit
- Sit in a bath full yoghurt
- Have ‘The Perfect Kiss’ in the rain
- Throw a class of water in someone’s face
- Go shopping in NYC
- Go shopping in London
- Visit Stratford, Ontario
- Play 'hide and seek' in a huge department store
- Fall asleep on a bed in a store
- Be able to speak English fluently
- Write a letter, put it in a bottle and throw it into the sea
- Be able to live my life how I want it, and not how other people want me to
- Go to a Red Carpet show and meet celebrities
To be continued…

Reageer (2)

  • Unfocused

    Ben jij in een film geweest/gespeeld? Gaaf!

    1 decennium geleden
  • Temperature

    wow.. heb je een leven gered?

    1 decennium geleden

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