If You Knew

Everyone has a past…
Everyone has a story…
Everyone has secrets…
Some people are just better at hiding them.

There’s a girl.
You know the girl I mean, right?
The ‘happy’ one,
The one you try to break everyday?

She wishes she had the confidence to talk to people
But everytime she does,
She gets told to shut up,
Or gets knocked down.

She’s not good enough.

She has lost almost all her friends,
Because her mood changed.
She stopped going out.
She lost herself.

The mirror is her worst enemy.
She stands in front of it every night,
Tears rolling down her face,
Pointing out all of her flaws.
Even the ones that aren’t there…
She thinks she’s ugly,
So she spends hours putting on make up.
Hoping today’s the day someone will tell her she’s beautiful.

She has an eating disorder.
You call her fat and ugly, EVERY SINGLE DAY!
It sticks in her mind.
She already thought it herself,
But your words make her believe it.

She feels so ashamed when she has eaten food,
That it plays on her mind for so long afterwards.
She starves herself.
She purges

If she’s skinny, she’ll be beautiful… right?
No matter how much weight she loses,
The voices in her head still tell her she’s fat.

YOU still tell her she’s fat…
YOU still call her ugly.
YOU call her every name you can think of,
Because she looks up to celebrities that YOU don’t like.
You think it’s okay, to put her down about it?

You don’t know this,
But those people are the reason she’s still here.
Their music, their stories,
They’re the one thing she can depend on.
The one thing that makes her feel understood.
Not alone…

She’s fighting a losing battle.
She’s fighting everyone,
Including herself.

She self-harms…
She has done it a couple of times now.
She cuts herself every night.
She takes out all the anger, shame, pain, disappointment
That she feels on herself.
On her own body.

Her life is balanced on the edge of something so tiny.
The one thing that allows her to express the pain,
She’s feeling on the inside.
She’s scared, she’s really, really scared.
She wants it to go away.
But it’s the only thing she has ever known.

For every new insecurity a new scar appears.
Another line to her story.
She’s left wondering if she’ll be free from it all.
If she’ll be free from you, too.
I bet you didn’t know about the times she had stayed up all night crying.
Wishing she could disappear.
The times she wrote letters to every person,
She has ever cared about.
Just in case she didn’t get the chance to say goodbye.
I bet you didn’t know they were suicide notes…

Or that she promised herself that when she’d wrote the last one,
If she still wanted to die, she’d do it.

I bet you didn’t know she tried it six times..
She failed, six times.
She survived it.

If you knew what you know now,
Would that change things?
Would you continue to call her names?
Would you continue to tell her to die?
Would you have even said anything, in the beginning?
Would you change it, if you had the chance?

If you’re like that girl,
And I told you it’ll be okay,
And it’ll get better,
Or that if you speak out about whatever it is you’re dealing with,
There are people that understand.
People who want to be there for you,
And help you.

What if I told you you’re not alone,
And there are so many other people that are like you,
That there is hope.
Would you believe me?

Words hurt.
Bullying destorys people.
It ruins lives.
Think about what you say,
Before you say it.
It could make a difference on someones
decision to live or to die.
It could be the one thing that influences someones
Decision on wether or not to harm themselves.

Self-harm, bullying, eating disorders, suicide, mental illness.
They’re all serious things.
They shouldn’t be ignored.
Something needs to be done to make people more aware of these issues.
Instead of ignoring them, and pretending that they’ll go away.
Instead of stereotyping people,
Making them feel worse about whatever they’re dealing with.
Maybe people should start trying to understand.
Try helping people…
That’d be a start, right?
It’s not a game.
These are serious issues.
They won’t just go away.
It’s peoples lives.
No one deserves,
To be made to feel like they’re not good enough,
Or worthy of life.

Everyone is beautiful in their own way.

What if I told you a secret?
What if I told you, that girl was me?
Would you have guessed?

There’s a girl…
You know the girl I mean, right?
The ‘happy’ one,
That just wants you to understand her,
Instead of judge her.


Don’t let them take away your future.

Reageer (2)

  • TheCross

    hihi. :)

    I know...

    and yeah, sometimes you DO care too much... haha

    xxx Love you too. (K)

    1 decennium geleden
  • TheIslander

    Tears are standing in my eyes...
    It's beautiful and very, very touching.
    Wish I could have been there all the time with you.
    If I had the chance to be with you, I would've taken it.
    I really do; cause I care. Perhaps too much... But it's better then not to care at all. Don't let them put you down. Stay strong and believe. I know you'll make it, and I'm absolutely not the only one who does.

    I love you. Xxxx (K)

    1 decennium geleden

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