there's no forever

Everybody I love...
Tells me they are by my side forever
Tells me I am theirs forever
Always the same lie
Why? Tell me why do you still try?
I learned about forever in my youth
About what it means, about the truth
I learned that forever doesn't exist
I never want to hear that word again
Added it to my 'sick-words list'
I learned that always can end any day
there's no forever and after like they say
You told me you loved me, told me you cared
You told me to protect me, whenever I was scared
You said I would always be yours
Well, at least until you didn't want me anymore ofcourse
My forever and always ended that day
"Forever" you said,
"There's no forever" I say

/Made by Lynn, message to Arno: remember pleas. never promise me such things anymore. Those sick lies...
Message to everyone: Remember that 'for ever' and 'always' can end any moment.../

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