To Niall.


How can I ever describe how much I miss you? Let's have a try...

Oh goodiegosh- see what for an influence you have darling?
I start to use your words... in no time I'll use 'patatoes' or 'ghehe'.
But we do read each other's minds, so... if I start to use words of you, it isn't that spectacular. You know what's spectacular? I woke up this morning. Yup, the only reason to stand up in the morning is you. But I know you wouldn't like it that I... stayed in bed all day, so I stand up. For you. And maybe because Zouis were nagging in my ear. They literally punched me out of our bed. Our bed, where you supposed to lie...
I can't describe my feelings. I feel joy for you, because you're with your dad and brother. But I feel emptiness, lifeless and... sadness. I remember when I came back from the survival... I missed you so much, and you know what's the worst part? I have to miss you much longer now. It's not fair, they don't like us Ni, otherwise we would be for ever together. Side by side... And May has to come, when you're gone with your mother. I do wish you all the best with your family but I don't like the thought or feeling to miss you, again.
I miss your all. The blue in your eyes, the sound of your beating heart, the smell of your body, the sound of your infectious laugh, the sweetnes of your intense touches, your tongue playing with mine, our entwined fingers. Do I need to go on to tell you how much I miss you?
I miss you like Bonnie has to miss Clyde, how Sherlock has to miss Watson, how Harry has to miss Ron, how our Harry has to miss Louis, how Lilo has to miss Stitch, how Bert has to miss Ernie, how Pacman has to miss his thingies to get, how Santa has to miss his reindeers, how the frog misses his princess and how the princess misses his prince. *sighs* Why does always the girl needs to be saved? You're my savior Niall, come and get me? I miss you so fudgecakes much...
The pain in my arm, I can't compare it with the pain in my chest. I can't breath or live without you because you took my heart with you. The only thing I feel are the punches of Louis. He punches me to wake up, to force me to eat, to force me to breathe. And he punches hard, really. Damn it.
Oh, and I have an idea. What about: running away and just live our lifes, alone together?

I love you,
your one and only,

London, April 8, 2013.


Reageer (1)

  • xHappyHoran

    Dit is gewoon langer dan een jaar geleden.
    Omg, ze zouden nu bijna 19 maanden, dus bijna 20 maanden, samen zijn! :3
    The time passes us by.

    9 jaar geleden

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