One year

One year of fighting
I rumbled and struggled, shook and cried
Asking when my life comes back
I overcame al the troubles
Where people are so scared of
Stupid prejudices

Tired of fighting
Ready to lose control.
It already happend.
I putted my trust in you
And it ended in a mess

I tried so hard to climb
But every time I fall again
Over and over.
I feel more sick than in the beginning
But nobody sees
It became so far

So far that I will end up this whole war.
My heart is broken
My mind is full of darkness

One year of fighting
I survived
The power is empty
Ready to give up
Ready to go

Reageer (3)

  • Newa

    I will help you out,
    here take my hand and never lose it, because I'm proud of you!!!

    1 decennium geleden
  • clearbluewater

    You have come so far, and I will guarantee you I will be there if you need someone - far away :( - to talk to you. I will not let you give up. Never. I love you.

    1 decennium geleden
  • LaDispute

    ooooh dit is zoo mooi :'

    i love you!!
    i'm soo proud of you, you are strong.


    1 decennium geleden

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