Poetry, love; The lie in the mirror

How can you tell you’re not beautiful? Have you ever seen yourself as the light touched your face and the scent of coffee in the morning fill the air? Have you ever seen your face as you saw the first spring flowers after a long winter? Have you ever seen the glint of light in your eyes, that little sparkle as you talk about the thing you love the most? You only see yourself in reflections, you compare yourself to other. People never look beautiful when they’re mad so when you look into the mirror and see someone angrily staring back. Smile and talk about your passion. See how your skin glows, how you’ll start smiling, how that little twinkle in your eyes appears. You’re beautiful, in so many ways. Your hair may not always look perfect and your eyes may look tired from all the sleepless nights but that’s what makes you who you are, it defines you in the same beautiful way that your passions define you. You’re beautiful and don’t you ever let them convince you that you’re not.

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