gay ass love poem

Dragged in the unknown
You left me here, alone..
Living in this shadow
Without you.. What am I?
My heart still cries...

Without you, my dear..
I am nothing, should I die?

I never wanted to feel love..
Never believed in the magical powers from above..

I gave you a chance,
My life made finally sence.

You teached me, what love is,
You drowned the pain away, with a simple smile, or kiss.

Your touch, your lips..
Your arms around me, is what I still miss
I regret the moment we end,
when you left me forever..
Will you ever be mine again?
No.. Never, that is your answer.
That moment you walked away from me,
I just wish... We could do it over..

I would run after you, and I just wouldn't let you go.
'I love you' that's what I would say, and show.

Fighting for our love, that's what we should have done
For you, ending it was the best option.. And now, my love..
You are gone.
Bewildered, I stood there.
Left alone, while tears met the ground we were walking on
I couldn't believe it..
My love, my only reason to life,
just walked away..

But I still think about you,

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