My twinsoul

Without you i feel so emty,
Like im not compled.
I hear and see evrything,
But still i don't now what the were saying.
Without you im not comped.

I know youre there,
And you know im here,
But it still feels like ive lost you.
Evrytime you send me a message i feel happy,
Because i can't loose you.

When my arms are around you,
I feel like the happiest person on earth.
But evrytime i need to say goodbye,
A little piece of my hearth breaks,
And get lost somewhere i can't find it.

How long dus it going the take,
bevore the last piece of my hearth breaks.
And i would end up like just a body,
A body without a soul.
Im still there but it just feels like im not.

I would do anything so i don't have to loose you.
I would give my life for you,
Ase a proof ase how much i love you.
But i guess you would do the same.
im youre friend because mom coun't handel use like sisters.

You know what i think,
You know how i act,
You know what i do,
For you ille put my walls down,
To you i show how i really am.

You don't care if im crazy,
You don't care if im lazy.
You just acept me the way i am.
You dont jugde me for how i am,
You just accept me for the fact i am.

Reageer (1)

  • ubereenhoorn

    i love you to babe:3

    9 jaar geleden

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