Fragile: (don't) handle with care

Break me

Peel my skin from my body and take it apart
Tear me limb from limb and sinew by sinew and
Crack my skull to scoop out my brain
Take my thoughts that won’t stop
Take my emotions and dissect them
The feelings of joy and pain and sadness and
Nothing at all
Take them, take those feelings of nothing
Take a knife to them
Let the ugly grey emptiness drip onto the floor
To form little puddles of apathy and
Grey mass and blissful liquid oblivion
And break me

Smash my ribcage and pull out my heart
Attached with worn string and still beating, beating
Cut it loose
Slice it into little cubes like it was always
Going to end up in a thousand mismatched puzzle pieces
Scattered on the stone cold floor
Bloody and red and raw and messy
Not fit for human consumption
Too big, too small and soft and hard
Hollow them out with a spoon
Take the sticky syrup of lost affections
Spill it
Mix it with the half-dried grey and please
Please, break me
Before I do

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