Strongest love

I love you, you love me
Isn't that just meant to be
we love each other, but for them it's not enough
it always has to go rough

Through the mountains
over the sea
but they're still not pleased
why can't they see

that we love each other
same amount of the stars
but they don't believe it
they say you'll just leave me with scars

when I talk about you
my mouth is shut
They are not happy with it
but I just love you, a lot

I don't care what they say
our love is stronger
you just have to be okay
that's for my happiness enough

they can't change anything
you can't choose who you love
they just have to accept it
we can't help it

So to them:
just accept, this won't help
just admit it, did it ever help
I just love him like the amount of stars
you are the ones who are just leaving scars
cause this won't change, my thought's about him
we'll stay together, trough thick and thin

And to you, my dear beloved:
I love you, and will always love you like the amount of stars
and I believe you won't just leave me with a lot of scars
My thoughts about you won't change ever
you are just too handsome, too sweet, too clever

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