broken heart paket

Your loved this person soo much. You don't wanna lose him. Your doing everything to keep him with you.

He sad it's over.. I don't loved you anymore.

Tears fall on your cheek. You feel empty. You cry the whole week.

Everytime you think of him tears fall down.

You still feel something for him and your going to stalk him .

checking when he was online . checking the girls he is talking to .

You Became a stalker.

Is your own choice and lifes luck .

You found each other again and going back together .

Or you found a other.

Or he foud a other .

If it is the last one keep strong . You can not say i do not care i do not want him anymore but you know it going to hurt seeing him with someone els . It can still break you. Even if you tought you was over him...

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