Lost her Line

How I see and feel pain in her eyes.
They force her to jump, yet no one tries
To catch her before she hits the ground.
People choose to be blind, looking around.

They slowly watched her become a mess,
But they didn’t see, or couldn’t care less.
I see the tears that have grown bitter in time,
She’s a great story that just lost her line.

How I wish to make her feel alright,
And hold her hand during her fight.
Now scars are in her skin and in her soul,
And they blame her still for not feeling whole.

But I loved her forever from the day we met,
For the sparks in her eyes that show how sad
She became from looking around.
How I will give all I have to catch her now
Before she hits the ground.

Reageer (1)

  • Malony

    Prachtig zeg :)

    5 jaar geleden

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