My blood red tears

I accepted the feeling. 

I lay down and let it all in.

My heart cracked open and blood red tears started poring out.

It filled my chest with pain of loss, grief of a future that was never to be, and with longing for numbness.

It was all consuming.

The tears swiftly reached my eyes and came poring out, as if they were running from my heart.

Unlike those tears these were colourless. Leaving no trace but a cold hopeless feeling.

The red tears filled my lungs causing me to gasp for air.

Air that would never fully fill them. There was just no room.

As the empty spaces started to fill up, drowning me, the tears started to enter my bloodstream.

A river of sorrow filled my veins, making my muscles tremble and my stomach ache.

My head couldn’t handle the heavy tears and begged me to stop them.

Pounding at its walls: stop, stop, stop.

Slowly the red tears started to dry up. My heart just didn’t contain any more.

It replaced it with a beautiful numbing medicine, trying to heal the cracks.

The numbness entered the river of tears, chasing them out.

All that was left was nothing. The nothingness my head was pleading for.

In this numbness I stayed until the darkness claimed me and guided me toward that sweet oblivion

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