
it creeps over me, to speak
in tongues that few might fail
and slowly whispers me to sleep,
when at last the night prevails.

and never does he mind to wait
for patience will not get you far.
he will get my defense to break
and leave me aching for the dawn.

i don't decide on any ethics,
i'm still not free of it's name
come in disguise, my exorcist
visit me to eat my pain.

my skin and bones are overgrown,
wall to wall with ancient scars
they are holding up his throne
and all of my unraveled parts.

i made this place for entities,
and they seem to be craving
to go with haste, avoiding peace
when all my sympathy is taken.

hear his warning, up in flames
fingers burning what i clutch
and see my mourning brittle frame
keeps turning into ash and dust.

and now i am nothing, and no voice
can say his love was just a lie
it's not a sin if not by choice,
i blame the lack of trusted eyes.

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