is life worth living?

is life worth living?
 when you have noting to live for?
is life worth living?
 when you have noting to die for?
is life worth living?
 when you don't see the different between the night and day?
is life worth living?
 as people who you care about al fade away?
is life worth living?
 when the dark an light are the same?
is life worth living?
 when every day is a shame?
is life worth living?
 like this I ask to you
was life worth living?
 I want to ask the dead to
this life mostly isn't worth living,
 I say
but still it's my live and,
 I want to stay

Reageer (2)

  • twilightscar

    het is is life worth living
    maar wel een heel mooi gedicht

    (sorry ben in een kritiek bui:X)

    1 decennium geleden
  • LitleDemon

    (H) so beautiful (H)

    1 decennium geleden

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