magic power love (3) coming in ones inheritance

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k heb dit ni geschreve ma mijn Bfje Valerya
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Uhu!!! Xd (3 x uitgekomen)

Tom’s POV

I ran to the chamber I had layed Harry in as soon Bingels called me. Looking around the bed was emty. Hearing noise in the bathroom I opened the door to see my love staring in to the large miror and asking himself “ What the fuck happened to me?”
I discided to anwer, “you came in to your inheritance”
Seeing as Harry turned to fast for a human. “ tom” he said.
“Tom” he sounded desperath “ What happend to me? What am I doing here?”
I signed” you came in to your inheritance, a very powerfull one that is. And I rescuit you from those creachurs you call family!”
“Than what Am I? I can feel an not human!”
“I don’t know exacly!”I said “What I do know is that your the heir of the four founders and merlin as well as some very old creachur family’s.”
He nodded” Tom”
“Yes Harry?”
“I’m tired.”he said and fainted in my arms. I caried him te the bed tucked him in and fell asleep on the chair, I had set next to the bed...

normal POV

alout hours later
That’s what Harry saw first the next time he woke up. Tom’s sleeping form.
Tom opened an eye ...
“Good morning!!”
“good morning, to you too, Harry, I hope you feel better?” Tom said.
“Yes I do!”
Tom only smiled
“So what does it exacly meen to be heir of hogwarts founders and merlin?” Harry asked.
“Well your very? Very powerfull... and....”
“And what?”
“Well, you have... you have a mate Harry”Tom said, face sad.
“Who is it? Do you know? It’s not some old guy is it? ...”
“No Harry, You esculy know him!”
“Who Tom?”harry said, voice siriusly.
Tom lost it, Who would it be Harry, who did Dumbledore send out to kill you, Who can understand Salazar’s language other rhan you? Who told you the truth? Tom hissed

*ja sry deze is een beetje kort ma da komt omda t 1ste hfsk gedaan is :P t volgende wordt langer :D

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