witch cutie from supernatural would be your bf or gf?

awsner questions to find out who from supernatural would date you

Mogelijke uitkomsten

Dean winchester (7 x uitgekomen)

You got Dean winchester!

even when he becomes demon you would never leave his side. And he would sell his soul to keep you save

Sam winchester (3 x uitgekomen)

You got sam winchester!

You always help him whit research and he doesnt mind when you call him moose

castiel (1 x uitgekomen)

you got castiel the angel of the lord


When he become one of the leviathans you never stoped looking for him. When you founded him back he was so afraid that you would be mad that he didnt spoke but when you tolt him that you still loved him he huged you tighd

lucifer (7 x uitgekomen)

You got the devil himself Lucifer

Even if he is the devil he has a sweet spot for you.

charlie (2 x uitgekomen)

you got Charlie.

When she told you about her parents and the car crach you stayed right beside her when she went to say goodbye for the last time

meg (0 x uitgekomen)

You got Meg

you hated demons but when you med Meg everything changed. you even became an demon yourself to be with her



Reageer (4)

  • KarmaHawkins


    8 jaar geleden
  • Bundy


    8 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    *vult in* *Krijgt lucifer* damnit ik hoopte dat hier crowley uit zou komen : p *vult nog een keer in* YES charlie I approve of this :')

    *ontvoert haar en verstopt haar onder een heleboel dekens met Harry Potter boeken so that Sam Winchester cannot get to her* MINE. BLIJF AF MET JE TENGELS. NIET BESCHIKBAAR VOOR DUISTERE CODES KRAKEN, SORRY, GONNA EMIGRATE TO OZ BYE

    (ben ik nog steeds getraumatiseerd door Dark Dynasty? Ik ben nog steeds getraumatiseerd door Dark Dynasty.)

    Wat een fantastisch plaatje voor Dean heb je gekozen by the way :3 Loved that episode haha <3

    8 jaar geleden
  • purphose


    8 jaar geleden

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