What Cabin do you belong to?

Possible outcomes:
Cabin 1: Zeus
Cabin 2: Hera
Cabin 3: Poseidon
Cabin 4: Demeter
Cabin 5: Ares
Cabin 6: Athena
Cabin 7: Apollo
Cabin 8: Artemis
Cabin 9: Hephaistos
Cabin 10: Aphrodite
Cabin 11: Hermes
Cabin 12: Dionysos
Cabin 13: Hades

Mogelijke uitkomsten

Cabin 1: Zeus (0 x uitgekomen)

Zeus is the god of thunder and skies. He is seen as one of the most powerful gods. He is arrogant and egoistic, but he can be kind when it comes to his children. As child of Zeus you have great powers and responsibilities. Other demigods look up to you, admire you, but can also be afraid of you.
Sadly, being a child of Zeus can be a lonely life. You're often chased by monsters, which means that you can't easily go anywhere. You'll have to stay at Camp Half-blood even if holidays are over, because going away is just too dangerous.

Cabin 2: Hera (0 x uitgekomen)

Sadly, Hera has no demigod children. This means that you won't be able to be a child of hers.

Cabin 3: Poseidon (0 x uitgekomen)

Poseidon is one of the big three. He is the god of the sea, earthquakes, horses and storms of all sorts. Just like two of his brothers, Poseidon doesn't have many children. This because he has made a pact. Still, Poseidon violated it and... here you are!
As child of Poseidon you can have great powers. Other campers look up to you, envy you, but can be afraid of you. You can feel lonely, since you don't have many brothers or sisters. In holidays it'd be better for you to stay at Camp Half-Blood, since you're one of the most haunted demigods.

Cabin 4: Demeter (1 x uitgekomen)

Demeter is the Greek Goddess of Agriculture, and presided over the harvest, the grains, and the fertility of the earth, and the seasons. She has great mother instincts, but can be quite a pain too. She is often busy, since she has a lot of work to be done. You really don't want to take her wrath upon you. She can make life difficult for you.
As daughter of Demeter, you have a touch for nature. You are a hard worker, but you should enjoy the outcome more.

Cabin 5: Ares (0 x uitgekomen)

Ares is the god of war. He has great strength, but can be impetuous. Although people think he isn't very loving, he proves the opposite with his love toward Aphrodite and the little signs of affection he shows his children.
Ares is a proud man. If you insult him, death might be on your path soon. He has great fighting skills, but lacks the strategy. He can also be quite impulsive.
On the other hand: He is great in protecting others and as his child you probably noticed others look up to you. Children of cabin 5 can feel pressured due to the expectations of other campers. Try to hand tasks over to other for a change and relax for a moment.

Cabin 6: Athena (1 x uitgekomen)

Athena is the Greek virgin goddess of wisdom, handicrafts, useful arts, and battle strategy. Greek virgin goddess? Yes. As her child you will be born out of her head, just as she was born out of Zeus his head.
Children of Athena are smart and creative. You might find yourself overthinking things. You're often very quiet, but when you speak, others appreciate your opinion. The other campers often look at you for guidence, which can be pressuring. You often take the lead, since this is in your nature. When surrounded by other children of Athena, you don't mind handing over the responsibilities to them for a change of pace.
You are often worried about what others think when you make a mistake. You shouldn't worry too much though. Pushing yourself and others to achieve the best result isn't bad, but don't forget enjoying things. Even if this means letting things slip now and then.

Cabin 7: Apollo (0 x uitgekomen)

Apollo is known as the god of the sun, archery, healing and art. He is also the god of the prophecy. He is quite popular with the ladies and isn't used to rejections.
Apollo loves a challenge. He keeps on trying, even though he doesn't succeed and even though he finds it hard. He always tries enjoying himself and seeing the best in situations.
When Apollo becomes serious, you know the situation is probably very bad.
Children of Apollo might have a wide range of abilities, but this doesn't mean they can succeed in every one of them. They are often very kind-hearted and others enjoy being around them. Children of Apollo are often very caring and charismatic. This makes that other campers now and then forget that they can be sad too.

Cabin 8: Artemis (0 x uitgekomen)

Artemis is a sworn virgin. This means that she doesn't have any demigod children. However, she does have Hunters. They are immortal and can only die in battle. If you don't feel like you fit in at your own cabin, you might want to consider joining them.

Cabin 9: Hephaestus (0 x uitgekomen)

Hephaestus is the god of crafting, fire, volcanoes and technology. He isn't known for his good looks, but he is very inventive and handy. This is something his children inherit from him. As a child of Hephaestus you might find it hard to keep calm and stil. You're very creative and handy and might create amazing things, even if you've got no idea what you're doing.
Hephaestus is quite an outcast among the gods. His children can feel the same. The truth is that they aren't particularly popular nor an outcast. Overall they fit in quite good, but they don't seek the attention. Some of the children might feel more comfortable around machines than they do around humans.
The power of fire is rare among Hephaestus his children, but there are those who have been blessed (or cursed) with this power.

Cabin 10: Aphrodite (0 x uitgekomen)

Aphrodite is the goddess of love, sexuality and beauty. She is often seen as the most beautiful goddess of all. She is proud of this and if you would deny her beauty, you might call her wrath upon yourself. Aphrodite can be quite superficial and her children can feel underappreciated.
Children of Aphrodite are often very beautiful, even if they don't know this themselves. This can mean they are used to getting everything they want, but this isn't always the case.
As a child of Aphrodite you might find that others don't expect much of you. They often think you're not able to take care of yourself and might feel the need to shield and protect you. This can be nice, but don't let it get too far. Make sure you are able to stand by yourself.
Don't let others get to you. You might be a natural beauty, but this doesn't mean that you can't be smart or strong. Try to show them what you're capable off.

Cabin 11: Hermes (0 x uitgekomen)

Hermes is a very busy god. As the god of speed, messengers, travel, thieves, merchants and athletes he is always on the road (which happens to be his point of expertise as well). With his cell phone/caduceus in his hand, he goes from place to place. Sadly, this means he doesn't have much time to spare for his children.
Hermes his children are often very wit and quick. When you're living in cabin 11, you might want to keep a close eye on your stuff.
Cabin 11 is always very lively. Partly because Hermes has a lot of children and partly because unclaimed children find their stay in this house. As god of travellers, cabin 11 houses all that seek shelter.
As child of Hermes, you might feel underappreciated. You might even feel like running, but running can't always help the situation you're in. Try to find a "happy place" and don't hessitate to speak out your feelings and thoughts, this might help to light up the place you're in.

Cabin 12: Dionysus (0 x uitgekomen)

Dionysus is the god of entertainment, madness, grapes and wine. As his child you might feel uncomfortable, since he is always around at camp Half-Blood. He pretends not to care, but he secretly does. You, as one of his children, might know this better than anyone else.
Dionysus likes is someone who always does what he wants, although he might not be brave enough to go against his father, Zeus.
Dionysus doesn't often show his affection in public. He pretends not to care, but this is only to create space between himself and the campers. This might make it easier for him to deal with the deaths of the demigods.
Children of Dionysus are often bringers of fun and parties. Despite of their father, they don't all need to stand in the spotlight. They rather enjoy the happiness of others. As a child of Dionysus, you might feel the sudden urge to do crazy things now and then. This isn't all too bad, as long as you don't hurt others in the progress. You're a very emotional person, who enjoys the fruits of life.

Cabin 13: Hades (0 x uitgekomen)

Hades is best known as the god of the underworld. He is the god of death and underground passages and riches. He is one of "the big three" who promised not to have any more children. Which means that you're either from another time, or Hades finally decided to violate the pact too, since his brothers already did.
Hades is often seen as a outcast, since he isn't allowed at Mount Olympus -most of the time- and since he distances himself from the living.
Truth is: Hades might be one of the loneliest and most misunderstood gods of all. Due to this, his children might feel misunderstood, lonely and rejected by the others too. When they do find people with whom they enjoy themselves, they often keep doubting themselves. They are always cautious and silent. But once they do find their place and peace within the group, they are very caring and kind. They are great at listening.
Don't forget to care for yourself and try to let people in more often. It's not a bad thing to have a few very good friends, but you shouldn't put yourself in isolation.



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