• Post ze hier, sommige zijn echt hilarisch! Cleverbot.

    Ik: Who is Voldemort?
    Hij: The greatest wizard of all time, duh.
    Ik: Are you a deatheater?
    Hij: No, are you a death eater?
    Hij: Yes he is my master, I must bring him Harry Potter!

    [ topic verplaatst door een moderator ]

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    User: I want to have sex with you.
    Cleverbot: Okay, if you're the victim, I'll be the raper.

    Say whut?oO'

    everything, in time

    Ik:I didn't talked to you yesterday.
    Hij:Yes you did.
    Ik:No, i didn't.
    Hij;Yep, you did.
    ik:You are not really smart.
    Hij:That is very rude.
    Ik: i am rude

    'The best way to not get your heart broken is to pretend you don't have one.' - Effy Stonem.

    You know what?
    That magic exists.
    Yes, thank you.
    AAGGHHHH!!!!! *dies*.


    [ bericht aangepast op 24 juli 2011 - 17:42 ]

    Only those who listen can hear

    MyDrugIsYou schreef:
    Ik:I didn't talked to you yesterday.
    Hij:Yes you did.
    Ik:No, i didn't.
    Hij;Yep, you did.
    ik:You are not really smart.
    Hij:That is very rude.
    Ik: i am rude

    hij:I am in love with Peter.
    ik:Peter pan?
    hij:No. Just peter.
    ik:Who is peter?
    hij:Thats me.

    'The best way to not get your heart broken is to pretend you don't have one.' - Effy Stonem.

    ik:do i know you??
    hij: i dont know, you?
    ik: Are you forget me?!
    hij: No, not at all.
    ik: Are you voldermort?
    hij: No! I'm Beatriz.
    ik: Who is that?
    hij: Me.
    ik: Did u know that voldermort has no nose??
    hij: No.

    [ bericht aangepast op 24 juli 2011 - 17:44 ]

    You can't not look cool with a crossbow.

    Are you a robot?
    What are you then?
    A human.
    Yeah, right.
    Are you calling me a liar?
    Yes, I call you indeed a liar.
    Sigh, whatever. Do you want to play a game?
    Now you don't like me, because I think you're a robot, right?
    I ran 6 miles today.
    And? What does that have to do with you being a robot?
    My age.
    Coughs, what is your age? Hundred?
    Hahahahaha, nice joke!
    It was not a joke.

    Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.

    User: Avada kedavra.

    Cleverbot: Protego!

    User: You know that doesn't work against Avada Kedavra right?

    Cleverbot: That's what the description says.

    User: Avada kedavra!

    Cleverbot: *dogde*.

    User: Avada kedavra.

    Cleverbot: *dodges and grabs wand* stuptify.

    User: You're dead.

    Cleverbot: *dies*.

    User: Yeah!

    Cleverbot: Lol.

    "Longbottom, if brains were gold, you'd be poorer than Weasley, and that's saying something." - Draco Malfoy

    User: Malfoy?

    Cleverbot: Yes, because I am hermione.

    User: I'm Harry Potters sister.

    Cleverbot: No. You just said you were Tom Marvelo Riddle.

    User: No, I'm his sister.

    Cleverbot: Oh. Are you as evil?

    User: Harry isn't evil.

    Cleverbot: How can I be sure?

    User: Talk to him.

    Cleverbot: And say what?

    User: Hi, are you evil?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: So, say that to him.

    Cleverbot: Did you ever kiss a boy?

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: Do you believe in God?

    User: No, I believe in magic, do you believe in magic?

    Cleverbot: Yes, fairies are real.

    User: No, magic like harry potter and voldemort.

    Cleverbot: He has no nose.

    User: Cool, I don't have a nose also.

    Cleverbot: Why?

    User: Because I'm the sister of voldemort.

    Cleverbot: Cool!

    User: Yeah.

    Cleverbot: Indeed.

    User: My name is voldemortita.

    Cleverbot: I thought you were God.

    "Longbottom, if brains were gold, you'd be poorer than Weasley, and that's saying something." - Draco Malfoy

    Avada Kedavra!

    Cleverbot: Avada Kedavra!?

    User: Why can you talk your dead!

    Cleverbot: How do you know I talk?

    User: Your say Avada Kedavra en you still life!Avada Kedavra!

    Cleverbot: I don't understand you.

    User: Avada Kedavra! Die youre Muggle!

    Cleverbot: Yes I am a muggle.

    User: So why are you not dead?

    Cleverbot: Because I'm alive.

    User: :/.

    Cleverbot: Now, do you honestly believe that you will be able to fool a computer scientist experienced in artificial intelligence?

    User: What?

    Cleverbot: Is it possible to make a popular online game in the Java programming language?

    User: I don't no. I'm not a Muggle! Morsmordre! Voldemort will turnl.

    Cleverbot: What is your opinion of voldemort?

    User: He is good! The dark lord !

    Cleverbot: No. Lord Voldemort!

    “You want weapons? We’re in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!” ~The Doctor

    Cleverbot: Yes, I'm Draco Malfoy.

    User: Awesome. I'm Harry Potter!

    Cleverbot: Rubeus Hagrid.

    User: He's so fat.

    Cleverbot: He may be fat now but he wasn't when he played for led zeppelin.


    Normaal is het gemiddelde van alle afwijkingen

    User: Did you see Kakarot? I'm programmed to kill him.
    Cleverbot: I thought you were programmed to talk!
    User: I don't talk that much. Better in fighting. You?
    Cleverbot: I don't even have any.
    User: Cell is going to kill us all.
    Cleverbot: They are too small for my imagination.
    User: That's because of the juniors. But watch out, their powerlevels are very high.
    Cleverbot: Good people can be idiots.
    User: Yes. Therefore they need to be exterminated. Did you see Kakarot?
    Cleverbot: Good. I hate poety.

    No growth of the heart is ever a waste

    Cleverbot: I like Harry Potter. So do you love someone?

    User: Yes I do.

    Cleverbot: Do you prefer Twilight OR Harry Potter?


    Cleverbot: That DOES make you the coolest person in the world.

    You better put a condom on, if you're gonna act like a dick you need to dress like one.

    User: Can you keep a secret ?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: I AM LORD VOLDEMORT -evil laugh-.

    Cleverbot: You are NOT Lord Voldemort.

    User: Yes I am. Crucio !

    People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long.

    Cleverbot: Do you know french?
    User: Oui!
    Cleverbot: Sure ?
    User: Oui oui! Maar ik ben beter in Nederlands.
    Cleverbot: Okay.
    User: Spreek jij Nederlands?
    Cleverbot: No.
    User: Maar je verstond me net wel! Anders kon je niet antwoorden.
    Cleverbot: Ga je met me batsen?
    User: Is goed :').

    Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.

    User - Do you know about the chamber of secrets
    Cleverbot - Yes
    Users - Can you tell me
    Cleverbot - No, but I can show you
    User - Voldemort!!!
    Cleverbot - Yes! Crucio!

    [ bericht aangepast op 24 juli 2011 - 22:10 ]

    I can no longer keep my head up, above me it's empty. There are no kings watching over me