• Welk liedje vinden jullie de mooiste tekst hebben?
    Ik heb zeg maar een liedje nodig voor ckv en ik heb dus heel veel liedjes die ik mooi vind, dus vraag ik aan jullie ^^
    En het is gewoon een vraag 8D

    [ bericht aangepast op 9 okt 2011 - 20:27 ]

    Everyone wants happiness without any pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.

    One Republic - Stop And Stare
    Casting Crows - Does Anybody Hear Her
    Red Jumpsuite Apparatus - Your Guardian Angel
    Eminem - When I'm gone
    Celine dion - Because You Loved Me
    Pink - Nobody Knows
    Keane - Somewhere Only We Know
    Ilse de Lange - I still cry
    Westlife - I'll see you again

    I love you Tim

    A Beautiful Lie - Thirty Seconds To Mars
    blijft mijn nummer één.

    The red jumpsuit apparatus ~ Face down.
    Ilse de Lange ~ Miracle.

    Chaos, panic and disorder. I see my work is done here.

    Edge of Desire - John Mayer.

    Young and full of running,
    Tell me, where is that taking me?
    Just a great figure eight or a tiny infinity?

    Love is really nothing but a dream that keeps waking me.
    For all of my trying we still end up dying;
    How can it be?

    Don't say a word; just come over and lie here with me
    'Cause I'm just about to set fire to everything I see.

    I want you so bad I'll go back on the things I believe.
    There, I just said it; I'm scared you'll forget about me.

    [ bericht aangepast op 10 okt 2011 - 1:25 ]

    Where there is a sea there are pirates...

    En ook:

    This Night - Black Lab

    There are things I have done,
    There's a place I have gone,
    There's a beast and I let it run,
    Now it's running my way.

    So take this night, wrap it around me like a sheet,
    I know I'm not forgiven but I need a place to sleep,
    So take this night and lay me down on the street
    I know I'm not forgiven,
    But I hope that I'll be given some peace

    Where there is a sea there are pirates...

    Mirror - Lil Wayne ft Bruno Mars.

    And remember that, in a world of ordinary mortals, you are a Wonder Woman.

    The Kill - 30 Seconds To Mars
    Missing - Evanescence
    Love Her - Seether (vooral deze!)

    That should be me van Justin bieber vind ik echt mooi.

    It's not because I smile, my life is perfect. It's because I appreciate what life gives to me, and what God has blesse

    nerveus schreef:
    Darlin - Avril Lavigne

    Die vind ik ook! ;d

    "No one is born in this world to be alone."~ (Saul, One Piece.)

    PureObsessed schreef:
    One Republic - Stop And Stare
    Casting Crows - Does Anybody Hear Her
    Red Jumpsuite Apparatus - Your Guardian Angel
    Eminem - When I'm gone
    Celine dion - Because You Loved Me
    Pink - Nobody Knows
    Keane - Somewhere Only We Know
    Ilse de Lange - I still cry
    Westlife - I'll see you again

    Ja, die is moooi <33

    "No one is born in this world to be alone."~ (Saul, One Piece.)

    Ugly by 2NE1. Iedereen kan zich er wel in herkennen.

    Behind the laughter it actually means something.