• Spreek onbekenden aan en heb leuke, rare gesprekken! Of ga op zoek naar users van Quizlet! Kom er achter via het code woord: Smurf of Worteltje of gewoon Quizlet.

    Have fun!

    PUKKELxDING zei op 6 jan 2012 - 22:09: ip

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    [ bericht aangepast op 30 dec 2011 - 19:30 ]

    [ bericht aangepast door een moderator op 6 jan 2012 - 22:10 ]

    Midna schreef:

    Nog ff en ik ga denken dat India levenloos is.
    Je komt vet veel van die kerels tegen

    Jup, hij begon allemaal over R. van Persie te lullen :'D

    Let it come and let it be

    Dat is nu al de 2de dat zegt dat er in Belgische meisje Hot zijn :p

    "In the end, everything will be okay. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end"

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    Stranger: m or f
    You: smurf?
    Stranger: yh smurf
    You: smurf like in quizlet-smurf?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    “Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” - Tolkien

    zit hier met een 13 jarige te praten die al drinkt uit Chile, waar the fck dat ookmag liggen

    Ow, Argentinië


    Stranger: asl
    You: Not that question again ): maybe im ageless, sexless and locationless and then? ):
    Stranger: ok then ur a cyborg
    You: Hmm no
    Stranger: whatr u
    You: A doll from chucky.. my wrist says; made in china
    Stranger: hahahha
    You: i love chinese food Yummm
    Stranger: me tooo
    You: But i can;t eat with sticks or was that Japan..
    You: Chinese or Japan.. Can't eat with sticks..
    Stranger: y cant u eat with chopsticks
    You: fork is easier
    Stranger: thats true r u asian
    You: No.. Dutch ;D
    Stranger: oh
    You: And you?
    Stranger: imm a black jamaican
    You: Cool, i'm white.. do you like duo pinotti? i love only de brown.. white is yuck
    Stranger: what is that
    You: Nutella?
    Stranger: yes ido
    You: Nutella + white blergh stuff = Duo penotti ;D
    Stranger: ohh
    Stranger: do u like jack daniells
    You: What's that ?
    Stranger: whiskey
    You: Why did you think that i was a Asian ?
    You: owww
    You: I'm a bored human.. i only drink ice thea ;$
    Stranger: because u brought up chinese food
    You: yeah my wrist says; made in china.. that let me think about chinese food
    Stranger: fail
    You: What :O it is yummy..
    Stranger: have u ever hhad sex
    You: No ;d
    Stranger: with a male
    Stranger: good
    You: Why ?
    Stranger: just wonderinng how old r u
    You: 17 and you?
    You: i'm very old for a doll..
    Stranger: 13 and u dont drink
    You: No...
    You: wait.. you're 13 and you drink? you're kidding me right?
    Stranger: no im not kidding
    You: something is wrong with you,,
    You: where are you from?
    Stranger: y do u say that
    Stranger: chile
    You: The what?
    Stranger: argentina
    You: Ahaa
    Stranger: yer
    Stranger: do u have an iphone
    You: No
    Stranger: what
    You: No
    Stranger: what kind of phone
    You: LG (:
    Stranger: g2g dinner
    You: yeah.. bye
    You have disconnected.

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 dec 2011 - 19:48 ]

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    Ik moet wel zeggen de meeste zijn wel lief (:

    "In the end, everything will be okay. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end"

    Beckett schreef:
    Pff.. Ik geef het op hoor, nog steeds geen Quizletter gevonden ;p

    (Be)lieve in (you)rself

    You: Koekje
    Stranger: hii
    You: hi ;d
    Stranger: name
    You: Why
    You: i'm undercover, i can;t say my name
    Stranger: just asked..
    Stranger: ohh agent??
    You: no.. someone who want to eat a cookie.. but the coockie can not see me..
    Stranger: there r crores of name hw can i guess?
    You: i can't say my name D: or the coockie knows who i am and runs for his life then D:
    Stranger: :-):-)
    Stranger: lols..
    You: That's not funny D:
    Stranger: i think u crezy..
    Stranger: yes it is funny..
    You: i think you're jealous that i have a lot of fantasy ;D
    Stranger: where r u frm cartoon??
    You: no... Holland
    Stranger: don u think u r made..
    You: But my wrist says; made in china
    Stranger: wt holland??
    You: yeah holland
    You: you know.. Holland, Dutch, The Netherlands?
    Stranger: yes i knw them...
    Stranger: u were there in world cup..
    Stranger: dont u have any name..
    Stranger: or u shy??
    You: I can't say my name :O or the coockie will runs away from me.. and then i have no coockie to eat
    Stranger: well this coockie is goin..
    Stranger: bye..
    You: Ahww
    You: wait.. are you a coockie ? :O
    You: omg can i eat you ? ;$
    Stranger: y?
    Stranger: have a fun..
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Ik denk dat ik het opgeef

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    tsss... was er nog niet een aangemaakt. Denk ik maak ik wel een nieuwe aan, vernieuw ik de pagina is er een nieuwe!:|

    When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

    You: hi

    You: smurf

    Stranger: f?

    You: yes

    You: m?

    Stranger: 20 m here

    You: 18 (:

    Stranger: horny?

    You: no

    Stranger: I am :)

    Stranger: neva mind

    You: i can't help u sorry

    Stranger: no wait]

    Stranger: u got a pic?

    You: not for you

    Stranger: oh please

    Stranger: i m not a creep

    You: i dont want that people are going to mastrubate on my pic

    Stranger: are u so damn hot ? ! \

    Stranger: i doubt that

    You: damn you got me im fucking ugly

    Stranger: hahaha

    Stranger: you got me

    Stranger: u are tough

    You: (:

    You: I am smart

    Stranger: apparently u are

    You: (:

    Stranger: so atleast show me 1 pic

    Stranger: just for fun

    You: ok sec

    Stranger: i wont masturbate


    Stranger: not smart

    Stranger: u have facial hair

    Stranger: gross

    You: haha

    You: i forgot to shave

    Stranger: no u are ugly just like that

    Stranger: i am sure now

    You: haha

    (Be)lieve in (you)rself

    Waar zijn die zielige mannetjes als je ze nodig hebt? Ik wil Nederlands gaan blèren!

    Let it come and let it be

    Stranger: Hey
    You: Hi
    You: asl?
    Stranger: .uoy kcuf
    You: Its hard to do that
    Stranger: K

    "In the end, everything will be okay. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end"

    Ik ga jullie zoeken!

    Bananen zijn lekker, toch? Zet dit ook in je signature als je ook van bananaaaas houdt!

    Chemist schreef:
    Ik ga jullie zoeken!

    *verstopt zich*
    Vind me dan!

    Un rêve peut mourir mais on n'enterre jamais l'avenir.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: helloo
    Stranger: HeLlO. :o)
    You: you can't type good? (:
    Stranger: nAh, BrO, tHiS iS jUsT hOw I rOlL. :o) hOnK
    You: Oh, chill, man.
    Stranger: cHiLlEr ThAn A mOtHeRfUcKiNg PoLaR bEaR.
    You: Bruuuaah :D Dgee, that's not easy for me to read, you know.
    Stranger: iT iSnT? hUh, I lOvE tYpInG lIkE tHiS. iTs My TyPiNg QuIrK, yOu KnoW. ;o) hOnK
    You: yEAh, MaYBe It iS, BUt fOR mE, a NOn nAtIVE ENGlisH SpeAKer...
    Stranger: oH, mAn! YoU tYpEd LiKe Me! :oD I fEeL sO mOtHeRfUcKiNg SpEcIaL!
    Stranger: WhAt LaNgUaGe Do YoU nOrMaLlY sPeAk?
    Stranger: hOnK
    You: DUdE, YOU'rE SPecIAl!
    You: I'M FRom BeLGIum, sO, DuTCH.
    Stranger: Aw, BrO, tHiS iS tHe HaPpIeSt DaY oF mY mOtHeRfUcKiNg lIfE! :o)
    Stranger: AnD tHaT iS sO lEgIt!
    You: YEah, SIS,... *what's that last thing: so ieglt?*
    Stranger: LeGiT.
    You: OoOooH.
    You: WHerE arE u FRom?
    Stranger: ThE aLtErNaTiNg StUfF gEtS cOnFuSiNg SoMeTiMeS.
    Stranger: Ah, YoU kNoW, i'M fRoM a WhOlE nOtHeR MoThErFuCkInG uNiVeRsE. ThE uSuAl. :o) HoNk.
    You: you kown you can raed tihs good, wehn the frist and the last letter snatds good?
    Stranger: ThAt Is So LeGiT! :o)
    You: WE're sOOOo CoOl!
    You: NoT REallY
    Stranger: If OnLy In OuR mInDs, It StIlL mOtHeRfUcKiNg CoUnTs, BrO. :o)
    You: -- UuuhHH, SUre, SIstaa :D
    Stranger: ThIs FrIeNdShIp Is A MoThErFuCkInG mIrAcLe.
    You: FRoM AcROSs ThE UNIveRse
    Stranger: ScAtTeReD wItH mAgIcAl StArDuSt. :o)
    You: ;oO
    Stranger: HeY, bRo, Do YoU kNoW wHaT mOtHeRfUcKiNg FaYgO iS? tHaT sHiT iS a MoThErFuCkInG MiRaCle! :o) HoNk
    You: nO, i Do nOT knOW ThaT... WhaT'S it?
    Stranger: It Is ThE bEsT mOtHeRfUcKiNg SoDa EvEr.
    You: TgeEE. I'lL sTiCK wiTH My COla :D
    Stranger: WhAtEvEr FlOaTs YoUr BoAt, BrO. :o) HoNk
    You: DGEee, I'm SorRY, BuT I WANt tO ReaD...
    You: I HAVe tO gO...
    Stranger: AlRiGhT, bRo. Do WhAt YoU gOtTa Do.
    Stranger: :o)
    Stranger: HoNk
    You: HOnk! :oD
    You: WIll NEvaa ForGET U!
    Stranger: HeY! yOu GoT mY nOsE! :oD
    You: MHAhahaHAHa!
    Stranger: I wOnT, eItHeR, bRo!
    You: ComE AND get iT!
    Stranger: NaH, mAn, YoU cAn KeEp It As A mOtHeRfUcKiNg GiFt. :o)
    You: tY!
    You have disconnected
    Respect als je dit helemaal hebt gelezen.

    There's faith and there's sleep - we need to pick one - please

    Ik ga ook op zoek naar een Q'er. :p

    You don't run, not when you're with us. You stand your ground and fight.