• Duuuude ... ._.

    New video shows more grisly details of face-eating attack in Miami

    Rudy Eugene walked naked alongside the MacArthur Causeway before pouncing on a homeless man he found dozing in the shade of the elevated Metromover train tracks.For almost 18 grisly minutes, Eugene savaged his victim, punching him and stripping the man’s pants before gnawing off the homeless man’s face — all as cars and cyclists rolled by on the busy causeway on a sunny Saturday afternoon. At least five passersby, including a Road Ranger from the Florida Department of Transportation, called police to report what they saw of the macabre scene. Three bicyclists pedaled by the two bloody men in the minutes before the arrival of Miami police officer Jose Rivera, who shot and killed Eugene to end the attack, the new footage shows. The shooting itself was obstructed in the video, and the officer appeared to shoot Eugene within a minute of arriving.

    On Tuesday police identified Eugene’s victim as Ronald Poppo, a 65-year-old homeless man who has lived on Miami’s streets for more than three decades. With his nose, mouth and eyes torn off, he remained in critical condition at Jackson Memorial Hospital on Tuesday.

    The new video, and information from police, suggest that Eugene stumbled upon Poppo by sheer happenstance.

    The footage shows Eugene walking naked on the sidewalk along the Biscayne Boulevard off-ramp of the causeway at around 1:55 p.m. Saturday when he paused in a shady spot under the Metromover Omni loop line. Eugene appeared to twirl as a bicyclist zoomed by. For about two minutes, Eugene bent over a second figure in the shade, though the images are obscured by a rustling palm frond.

    Eugene then rolled Poppo out onto the sunny sidewalk, stripping off his clothes while Poppo appeared to kick in resistance. Eugene later appeared to straddle Poppo and hunch over him for several minutes.

    Meanwhile, two more cyclists passed by, and one motorist in a white car slowed down while descending the off-ramp. But for many motorists, the scene was obscured by a waist-high concrete safety wall along the highway.

    According to Miami police, the first call of a disturbance came from a passing motorist who reported seeing Eugene stripping off his clothes and acting erratically. That call was routed to the Florida Highway Patrol — it’s unclear why — and then transferred to the Miami police. Police have not disclosed the time of the first call.

    A Road Ranger called to the scene also called 911 and used a loudspeaker to call for the naked attacker to cease. As the attack dragged on, two other motorists called police, as did another cyclist, Larry Vega, who later told reporters that Eugene “just stood, his head up like that, with pieces of flesh in his mouth. And he growled.”

    Lees verder » (Bevat ook een video met camerabeelden)

    Til hug og blod.

    Hier zitten veel mensen op te wachten, een zombie apocalypse. *O*

    Alucard schreef:
    Hier zitten veel mensen op te wachten, een zombie apocalypse. *O*

    Ik vind het niet echt grappig hoor. Gewoon ziek, eigenlijk.

    Til hug og blod.

    omg dat is echt creepy ;~;
    En die arme man

    As travars

    Ik hoorde het. Ziek D:

    quidquid excusatio prandium pro

    Wtf :')

    Ja, laten we allemaal even iemand zijn of haar gezicht er af bijten...omdat we er zin in hebben(no_chears)

    Forget the risk and take the fall...If it's what you want, it's worth it all.

    What the fuck.. dat is echt ziek.


    Eeek. The walking dead (no_chears)

    "I shut my eyes in order to see.'

    Een vriendin vertelde me het. Gedverdemme wat ranzig. Hoe verzin je het.

    i put the fun in funeral

    Turmoil schreef:

    Ik vind het niet echt grappig hoor. Gewoon ziek, eigenlijk.

    Nee dat snap ik ook wel. :\
    Maar tegenwoordig gebeuren er zoveel vage dingen dat ik eigenlijk nergens meer van op kijk.

    ....wat? o_o'

    Full of envy behind that anonymous mask

    I hope you drown in all the cum you fucking swallow, to get yourself to the top.

    I will get my gun and Death note already.

    Shoganai i ne~

    Ik kan me niet eens voorstellen hoeveel pijn die arme man - wiens gezicht er vanaf werd geknauwd -wel niet heeft moeten lijden D:

    People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long.

    DarkSavior schreef:

    Dat zijn ze nog aan het uitzoeken en kan nog wel weken duren.:W

    Til hug og blod.

    Da's echt ziek.