• Hier zijn we dan, vijftig jaar later. Een nieuw jaar op Zweinstein breekt aan, maar dit jaar gaat alles en dan ook alles veranderen. Iedereen heeft geprobeerd alle herinneringen van de gruwelen aan Voldemorts tijd diep weg te stoppen. Maar je zal altijd bewonderaars blijven hebben voor zulk soort afschuwelijke tovenaars. Zo is er deze jonge tovenaar Serpen Acelin Parsel, hij onderzoekt stiekem de afgrijselijkste dingen. Hij kent Voldemort door en door en weet welke fouten hij maakte. Serpen is gluiperig, slim en sluw. Hij steelt en geeft andere de schuld, zonder enkel mededogen. Hij verwond en is zo sluw opgesteld dat nooit iemand hem verdenkt. Hij heeft net als Voldemort had grootse plannen, alleen is er dit keer geen Jongen Die Bleef Leven, of de Orde Van De Feniks. Niemand verwacht nog ooit zo’n aanval en dat is juist waar Serpen gebruik van maakt. Het blindelings vertrouwen van anderen. Serpen zit in het laatste jaar op Zweinstein, hij moet tegen gehouden voordat alles te laat is en de geschiedenis zichzelf herhaalt!

    Leerjaar(als leerling)
    Afdeling(als leerling):
    Beste vakken:

    Klassenoudste (vol)(1 jongen en 1 meisje(vol))

    Alice Mabel Fox - Jaimes
    Nick Adams(Klassenoudste) - TheseWords
    Summer Melody Night(Drijver) - CarrotLouis
    Diana Lynae Hartley(Wachter, Aanvoerder) - Stiles
    Laurene Ann Evans(Zoeker) - Druella
    William Dawson(Drijver) - WillNotLearn
    Mason Embrico Potter(Jager, aanvoerder) - Panday
    Clarisse "Rizzo" Camille Favre(Jager) - Stornoway
    Nick Adams(Klassenoudste) - TheseWords
    Alice Mabel Fox - Jaimes
    Damian Braxton - Rechazame
    Josh Clive ratsley(zoeker) - Seaver
    Jade Selah Harris(Jager) - Lizor
    Dawn Maiden Valentine - Roww
    Drew James Valentine/i] - Roww
    Stefan Peterson - Lizor
    May Autumn Julia Winte - Roww
    Ambrose Katniss Black - xVanilla
    Aireal Garcia - JokerBaby
    Rose Violet Kane - DeadHead
    Matt & Pete Johnson - Roww
    Ariana & Camille Hastings - Lizor
    Eric Benjamin Button - WillNotLearn
    Zwerkbalteam(vol) + aanvoerder(vol)(2 drijvers, 1 zoeker, 1 wachter en 3 jagers)
    Jade Selah Harris(Jager) - Lizor
    Diana Lynae Hartley(Wachter) - Stiles
    Summer Melody Night(Drijver) - CarrotLouis
    William Dawson(Drijver) - WillNotLearn
    Mason Embrico Potter(Jager, aanvoerder) - Panday
    Clarisse "Rizzo" Camille Favre(Jager) - Stornoway
    Josh Clive ratsley(zoeker) - Seaver

    Klassenoudste (vol)(1 jongen en 1 meisje)

    Julia Dubois(Klassenoudste) - TheseWords
    Ryan Thomas (Wachter, Aanvoerder) - Lizor
    Niada Amber Nightwatch(Zoeker) - Seaver
    Felicity Winter(Jager) - SupahBaby
    Anne Rose Everdeen(Jager) - mismi
    Julia Dubois(Klassenoudste, Jager) - TheseWords
    Chantay Lupin(Drijver) - Druella
    Stephen Granger - mismi
    Teamin Jace Sangue - Roww
    Elise Style - Lizor
    Destiney Style - Roww
    Zwerkbalteam(vol) + aanvoerder(vol)(2 drijvers, 1 zoeker, 1 wachter en 3 jagers)
    Ryan Thomas (Wachter, Aanvoerder) - Lizor
    Niada Amber Nightwatch(Zoeker) - Seaver
    Aimee Everdeen(Jager) - mismi
    Julia Dubois(Klassenoudste, Jager) - TheseWords
    Felicity Winter(Jager) - SupahBaby
    Chantay Lupin(Drijver) - Druella

    Klassenoudste (vol)(1 jongen en 1 meisje)
    Alex Ludwig(Klassenoudste, wachter) - mismi
    Amory Viviane Pendragon(Klassenoudste, Drijver) - Stornoway
    Abbony Blyss Harrison - Lifehouse
    Sherleen Yara Addison(Jager) - Europe
    Aimee Rae Addison(Zoeker, Aanvoerder) - Europe
    Christian Thom Smith(Jager) - Seaver
    Amory Viviane Pendragon(Klassenoudste, Drijver) - Stornoway
    Isabel Grace Welling(Jager) - Stiles
    Lune Kathlyn Marx(Drijver) - Lizor
    Alex Ludwig(Klassenoudste, wachter) - mismi
    Jake Bryan - Roww
    David Nolan Joshua Smith - Seaver
    Hayley Ann Thompson - Scatach
    Lauren Lopez - StarKiddie
    Arianne Slytherin - MaraCroft
    Cameron 'Cam' Gregory - Jaimes
    Nathaniel 'Nathan' Briel - WillNotLearn
    Zwerkbalteam (vol)+ aanvoerder(vol)(2 drijvers, 1 zoeker, 1 wachter en 3 jagers)
    Sherleen Yara Addison(Jager) - Europe
    Aimee Rae Addison(Zoeker, Aanvoerder) - Europe
    Alex Ludwig(Klassenoudste, wachter) - mismi
    Christian Thom Smith(Jager) - Seaver
    Amory Viviane Pendragon(Klassenoudste, Drijver) - Stornoway
    Isabel Grace Welling(Jager) - Stiles
    Lune Kathlyn Marx(Drijver) - Lizor

    Klassenoudste (vol))(1 jongen en 1 meisje

    Nadia Amaris Mercer(Jager, klassenoudste) - Stiles
    Serpen Acelin Parsel(Aanvoerder, Jager, klasseoudste) - Lizor
    Nadia Amaris Mercer(Jager, klassenoudste) - Stiles
    Damen Alexander Weasley(Drijver) - WillNotLearn
    Daniël Edward Weasley(Drijver) - WillNotLearn
    Saphire Catastrophe Finddler(Zoeker) - Seaver
    Ashley Caroline Lestrange(Wachter, volger) - Druella
    Aurelie Quendi(Jager, Volger) - LotStuff
    Callum Darren Hastings(Volger) - Stornoway
    Athan James Hastings - Stornoway
    Alicia Malfoy - TheseWords
    Leslie Fields - Jaimes
    Ruby Agony Hope(volger) - Seaver
    Dawn Emilia Harper - Panday
    Magenta Sherburne - Theep
    Jayden Odair - Lizor, Jaimes
    Serpen Acelin Parsel(Aanvoerder, Jager, klasseoudste) - Lizor
    Felice Lily Billington - Druella
    Melissa Johnson(volger) - Seaver
    Arianna Johnson(volger) - Seaver
    Aline Rush - Jaimes
    Aviera Delena Degrassi - Stuttgart
    Lily Janice Hastings - Druella
    Jason Eroin Black - WillNotLearn
    Adam Bryan Gontier - Roww
    Mabel Aurelia Winter - Roww
    Daniëlle Stephani Winter - Roww
    Allison Katherina Elena Petrova - Lizor
    Rosalyn 'Rose' O'Donnel - Druella
    Finn Jason Forbes - Lizor
    Leyla Aléne Lockwood - Stuttgart
    Cailyn Rosean Riddle - Druella
    Meryl Diana Parsel - xVanilla
    Sean Connor Duke - Lizor
    Amelia 'Amy' McAllister - Druella
    Evelyn 'Eve' Campbell - Jaimes
    Zwerkbalteam(vol)+ aanvoerder(vol)(2 drijvers, 1 zoeker, 1 wachter en 3 jagers)
    Nadia Amaris Mercer(Jager, klassenoudste) - Stiles
    Ashley Caroline Lestrange(Wachter, volger) - Druella
    Saphire Catastrophe Finddler(Zoeker) - Seaver
    Aurelie Quendi(Jager, Volger) - LotStuff
    Damen Alexander Weasley(Drijver) - WillNotLearn
    Daniël Edward Weasley(Drijver) - WillNotLearn
    Serpen Acelin Parsel(Aanvoerder, Jager) - Lizor


    Kimberly Patriot - Door iedereen
    Verzorging van Fabeldieren

    Damian Whitfield - WillNotLearn

    May Angelique Hastings - Druella
    Linea Butcher - Door iedereen
    Verweer tegen de Zwarte Kunsten(vol)
    Fiona Fera Filch - Seaver
    Geschiedenis van de Toverkunst

    Marc Louis Johnson - Roww
    Voorspellend Rekenen
    Leer der Oude Runen

    Harold Livingsstone - Seaver

    Nicolas Kayson Viren Finddler - Seaver
    Toekomstig Schoolhoofd
    Caleb Damon Parsel - Lizor
    Plaatsvervangend Schoolhoofd

    Maya Alison Lockwood - Druella
    Vlieglerares en Zwerkbalscheidsrechter
    Jachtopziener, sleutelbewaarder en terreinknecht

    Serpen Acelin Parsel(Aanvoerder, Jager, klasseoudste) - Lizor
    Ashley Caroline Lestrange(Wachter, volger) - Druella
    Aurelie Quendi(Jager, Volger) - LotStuff
    Melissa Johnson(volger) - Seaver
    Arianna Johnson(volger) - Seaver

    -Je mag meerdere dingen tegelijk zijn.
    VB: Aanvoerder+Jager+Leerling van Gryffindor
    -Nabestaande van personen uit officiele Potter verhaal mogen
    -Reactie 4 regels
    -OCC tussen ([{*- enz.
    -Relatie's mogen natuurlijk
    -Niemand buitensluiten
    -Alleen je eigen personage besturen
    -Geen ruzies, tenzij het in de RPG zelf is
    -Personages mag zoveel als je wilt, maar zorg wel dat je het nog een beetje kan handelen.
    -Nieuwe topics worden aangemaakt door degene die het laatste bericht stuurde, als ik NIET online ben (:
    -Naamverandering door geven, a.u.b



    By Lizor.

    "When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.''

    Roww schreef:

    Geweldig :')

    Of nou ja een medicijn, maar dat is hetzelfde... ik genees mensen die infecties hebben ofzo... wtf x'D
    Ja ik ging mezelf googelen

    My fake plants died, because I did not pretend to water them.

    x'D Wanna know what Ellie means in the Urban Dictionary?

    'The most amazing person you will ever meet. A bit sarcastic but mosly lovable!
    If you don't know her too bad! the ppl who have met her are extremely lucky! And you should never push her away. A lil bitchy at times but who's not!'

    Don't be like the rest of them, darling

    Haha x'D Geweldig :')

    Little do you know

    WillNotLearn schreef:
    x'D Wanna know what Ellie means in the Urban Dictionary?

    'The most amazing person you will ever meet. A bit sarcastic but mosly lovable!
    If you don't know her too bad! the ppl who have met her are extremely lucky! And you should never push her away. A lil bitchy at times but who's not!'

    Hihi Awesome
    The name of a girl who is very pretty and is so lovable that boys fall in love with her instantly.

    An intelligent and sexy female with LUSCIOUS physical features. Usually attracts weird guys named David who do absolutely NOTHING for her, but she still remains independent.

    An extremely smart and sexy female with great hair and a great face. Nice, sweet and generous are words that go along with Lisa. She is funny and giving. Not a slut by any means but does like to have a good time. Always ready to party and her phone is always ringing. She will even fly to another state for a house party. She is self confident and blessed with good genes. She just has it all; all other girls are extremely jealous of her.

    Dit is serieus de grootste lacher OOIT x'D Dit slaat nergens op x'D niks klopt hahaha tss

    My fake plants died, because I did not pretend to water them.

    Omg.. Ik ben ook een achternaam :c
    That scares me.. klik

    Don't be like the rest of them, darling

    Een 'Michelle' is blijkbaar goed in bed. (joehoe)

    "When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.''

    Macabre schreef:
    Een 'Michelle' is blijkbaar goed in bed. (joehoe)

    Hahahahah x'D
    Die vind ik geweldig. I think that's true x'D

    Don't be like the rest of them, darling

    Macabre schreef:
    Een 'Michelle' is blijkbaar goed in bed. (joehoe)

    Haha kom je nog wel achter later of het klopt, of eerder dan later :Y)

    My fake plants died, because I did not pretend to water them.

    WillNotLearn schreef:
    Omg.. Ik ben ook een achternaam :c
    That scares me.. klik

    Lol hahah, Lizor volgens mij ook

    My fake plants died, because I did not pretend to water them.

    WillNotLearn schreef:

    Hahahahah x'D
    Die vind ik geweldig. I think that's true x'D


    Confident yet never conceited, this women will take you breath away. She is usually as loyal as they come, and to have her within your presence as a friend or lover is a privledge. I have never known a Michelle to let one down, to cause any problem, or do someone wrong. She is beautiful and amazingly smart.

    Also, to be with her in bed is beyond the imagination! Once you have a taste of her, nothing else will suffice. Her body is like an ocean of gold of which you will never want to give up. Worth more than gold itself, this girl is a keeper.

    Guy #1: How was your night? Guy #2: I was with Michelle Guy #1: OHhhhh I know your night was awesome! Guy #2: Hell yeaz!

    Last night was amazing, I spent it with Michelle!

    That girl is as sexy as Michelle!

    "When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.''

    Macabre schreef:

    Confident yet never conceited, this women will take you breath away. She is usually as loyal as they come, and to have her within your presence as a friend or lover is a privledge. I have never known a Michelle to let one down, to cause any problem, or do someone wrong. She is beautiful and amazingly smart.

    Also, to be with her in bed is beyond the imagination! Once you have a taste of her, nothing else will suffice. Her body is like an ocean of gold of which you will never want to give up. Worth more than gold itself, this girl is a keeper.

    Guy #1: How was your night? Guy #2: I was with Michelle Guy #1: OHhhhh I know your night was awesome! Guy #2: Hell yeaz!

    Last night was amazing, I spent it with Michelle!

    That girl is as sexy as Michelle!

    Haha, Yesh, you take my breath away.
    -wbw- you sexy girl

    Ellie is an amazing and beautiful girl who any boy would be lucky to have. Unfortunately she is very hard to please and the boys who want her, usually don't get her. She only has the eye for that one special boy & when she finds him she will treat him like the best. He will love her and she will love him.

    The boy who gets Ellie will be the luckiest by far.
    Girl 1 : shes my best friend

    Girl 2 : omg your so lucky to have an Ellie !

    Ellie's are great in bed because they are such sexual beings. they just crave the sexual attention. they can never get enough. guy's you know you wanna get involved with an Ellie because not only are they great in bed there seductive, a tease, loyal, passionate and down right dirty these girls will make your wildest dreams come true...... x'D

    [ bericht aangepast op 10 juli 2013 - 21:31 ]

    Don't be like the rest of them, darling

    WillNotLearn schreef:

    Haha, Yesh, you take my breath away.
    -wbw- you sexy girl

    Ellie is an amazing and beautiful girl who any boy would be lucky to have. Unfortunately she is very hard to please and the boys who want her, usually don't get her. She only has the eye for that one special boy & when she finds him she will treat him like the best. He will love her and she will love him.

    The boy who gets Ellie will be the luckiest by far.
    Girl 1 : shes my best friend

    Girl 2 : omg your so lucky to have an Ellie !

    Ellie's are great in bed because they are such sexual beings. they just crave the sexual attention. they can never get enough. guy's you know you wanna get involved with an Ellie because not only are they great in bed there seductive, a tease, loyal, passionate and down right dirty these girls will make your wildest dreams come true...... x'D

    Hahaha lol x'D

    My fake plants died, because I did not pretend to water them.

    Als ik daar Rowena in type staat er iets wat echt fkkng waar is x'D

    'she is the best friend one can have & the worst enemy one can encounter'
    True :')

    En dan staat er ook iets wat ik niet bepaald waar vind:

    'A stunningly beautiful woman who is intelligent, competent and who, without intent, intimidates the hell out of most people. She is confident, has high standards but keeps her expectations reasonable. She chooses her path in life, turns obstacles into challenges and then meets the challenges head on. A Rowena has a phenemonal grasp of whatever language by which she communicates and uses words to achieve her goals. Yet, a Rowena is empathetic and never wants someone to feel diminshed in any way after an interaction with her'

    Lol :')
    Behalve die woorden die ik heb doorgestreept klopt het toch wel x'D

    Little do you know

    Lisa is a smart, friendly and athletic girl. She is always rooting for a team, whether its the New York Yankees or the Giants. Boys will stop to flirt with her in the halls. Dereks and Marks would fall for this girl. WARNING: Lisas can be cranky in the morning but really loyal after she's eaten her waffles. This girl is extremely beautiful; with her chocolate hair and dreamy brown eyes. - ik heb bijna wit haar en groene ogen -

    the sexiest woman alive who is gorgeous loves french fries a skinny little biatch who loves men!!!!!!!!

    A trustworthy, great friend. Very hot and good looking. Boys are too scared to talk to her because they are worried what she will think of them. She is very funny and She Cares about others. Once you get to know her you will love her!!!
    Guy: OMG! i spoke to Lisa today!
    Other Guy: :O lucky you.

    Guy: i know shes great. Made me laugh alot!
    Other Guy: jealous:/

    Lisa, The best girl on the earth , the most loving and caring person you will ever meet. i love you so much :D
    think about you every day of my life you are the bestest girl ever. i love you babe the pig forever

    xxxx love kermit the frog

    .... what the hell x'D

    [ bericht aangepast op 10 juli 2013 - 21:38 ]

    My fake plants died, because I did not pretend to water them.

    WillNotLearn schreef:

    Haha, Yesh, you take my breath away.
    -wbw- you sexy girl

    Ellie is an amazing and beautiful girl who any boy would be lucky to have. Unfortunately she is very hard to please and the boys who want her, usually don't get her. She only has the eye for that one special boy & when she finds him she will treat him like the best. He will love her and she will love him.

    The boy who gets Ellie will be the luckiest by far.
    Girl 1 : shes my best friend

    Girl 2 : omg your so lucky to have an Ellie !

    Ellie's are great in bed because they are such sexual beings. they just crave the sexual attention. they can never get enough. guy's you know you wanna get involved with an Ellie because not only are they great in bed there seductive, a tease, loyal, passionate and down right dirty these girls will make your wildest dreams come true...... x'D


    "When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.''