• STEP ONE: Leave a comment if you don't you die.
    STEP TWO: Join us ^.^
    STEP THREE: Welcome to the dark side. We have cybercookies!

    Zeg ken je de historie?
    Er was eens een quizletter, die dacht: ik ga een topic aanmaken waar mensen verplicht moeten reageren als ze het openen. Zo komen er allemaal onzinreacties en dat is grappig! ;D
    Langzaam kreeg dit topic een aantal vaste leden, die het gezellig maakten en er een stam-topic van maakten. Er kwamen steeds meer mensen bij die allemaal bevriend met elkaar raakten. Zo ontstond er creativiteit met de titels en de beginpost. Er werd gedreigd met One-Vengers en beloond met cybercookies. En zo verloor het topic uiteindelijk zijn doel. Het laat-een-reactie-achter-topic veranderde in het Awesome Topic en dat zijn wij:

    Sarah - Adipose - is 13 en wordt 14 op 5 mei, Belg
    Melissa - Stabiae - is 15 en wordt 16 op 22 januari, Belg
    Naomi - Delvecchio - is 18 en wordt 19 op 9 december, Belg
    Xanthe - DarkMark - is 15 en wordt 16 op 7 juli, Belg
    Nele - 324B21 - is 17 en wordt 18 op 21 april, Belg
    Bes - Frodo - is 15 en wordt 16 op 14 november, Belg
    Evelien - Bonafonte - is 18 en wordt 19 op 4 juli, Belg
    Fren - Loian - is 13 en wordt 14 op 9 januari, Belg
    Erica - Scandal - is 20 en wordt 21 op 3 februari, Belg

    Lisette - Eloquentia - is 15 en wordt 16 op 11 december, Nederlander
    Lisanne - Caesar - is 14 en wordt 15 op 1 februari, Nederlander
    Lieke - Millecam - is 16 en wordt 17 op 8 maart, Nederlander
    Nikki - Malfie - is 17 en wordt 18 op 3 november, Nederlander
    Mara - 221B - is 16 en wordt 17 op 29 mei, Nederlander
    Sofie - Plinius - is 17 en wordt 18 op 9 januari, Nederlander
    Jette - SecretlyACat - is 14 en wordt 15 op 3 augustus, Nederlander
    Kim - Surgeon - is 16 en wordt 17 op 14 september, Nederlander
    Tessa - TereziPyrope is 16 en wordt 17 op 12 Juli, Nederlander
    Mare - Chanson - is 14 en wordt 15 op 8 augustus, Nederlander
    Marlijn - Alphadi - is 14 en wordt 15 op 24 december, Nederlander
    Noek - Maberu - is 15 en word 16 op 27 juni, Nederlander
    Belle - Gawain - is 16 wordt 17 op 25 juli, Nederlander.

    *Naamsveranderingen doorgeven graag.
    *Als je meer dan 5 dagen niet in het topic geweest bent, word je van de lijst geschrapt.

    Evelien: 16 t/m 31 augustus en 3 t/m 10 augustus 2014
    Marlijn: 18 t/m 24 augustus
    Tessa: 5 t/m 17 augustus
    Noek: 16 augustus t/m 1 september
    Lisette: 18 t/m 21 augustus + 23 t/m 30 augustus
    Kim: 7 t/m 10 augustus 2014

    The Game
    1. Iedereen doet mee aan de game. Overal en altijd.
    2. Als je aan de game denkt ben je af.
    3. Als je af bent moet je dat melden. (door 'lost the game' o.i.d. te zeggen)
    4. Nadat je af bent krijg je een half uur om de game te vergeten, in die tijd speel je niet mee. Als deze tijd om is doe je gewoon weer mee en kan je de game weer verliezen.

    De geweld(dad)ige Starkische Mutsen.
    Onze tinychat ~ ons twitteraccount ~ de topicregels ~ Geloofsbelijdenis ~ awesome gedicht

    BELANGRIJK: Wij awesome personen hebben een twitteraccount. Onze awesomeness heeft al meer dan 400 topics gevuld! We gaan voor het dubbele! Wij zijn het awesomest van allemaal!

    Opgelet mensen!
    - Deze lijst is terug!
    - Lisanne is dood.
    - Nikki heet niet meer Visser maar Vismans.
    - Sarah verdient een award!
    - Marthe, Fren, Lieke, Evelien en Naomi zijn verslaafd aan Pretty Little Liars.
    - Nele is een 57 jarige pedofiel die Jaak heet en het meisje dat je voor de cam ziet is zijn veel te jonge dochter en Naomi is ook een pedofiel in het echt heet ze Gérard.
    - Lieke is pedo-priesteres.
    - Sarah, Fren en Kim spelen Minecraft!
    - Marthe, Fren en Sofie hebben Avatar verslaving!
    - Melissa is SpamSpam de superheld!
    - Kim, Nele en Sarah zijn Doctor Who verslaafd.
    - Melissa en Sarah zijn nostalgisch over een jaar geleden.
    - Sarah heeft een game verslaving.
    - Nele is de enige echte blub.
    - Sarah is de enige echte blubbersok.
    - Sarah heeft een giraf.
    - Lisanne en Sarah praten veel met BAD Translator.
    - Sarah and Kim like Scottish men.
    - Evelien houdt ongelooflijk veel van musicals.
    - Kim is een hert.
    - Langhaargastjes, zwaarden en centauren zijn Belle's obsessies en Kim deelt die obsessies.
    - Naomi is verslaafd aan Switched at birth.
    - Xanthe heeft zowaar 'werk'.
    - Sarah heeft een grote David Tennant verslaving.
    - Kim heeft een Sherlock verslaving.
    - Marlijn houdt van flamingo's en ze heeft geen idee waarom.
    - Belle en Kim houden van phieuw phieuwen.

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 aug 2013 - 22:59 ]

    "If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me, everyone always just kind of assumed it."

    Ik ben dood

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Adipose schreef:
    Ik ben dood

    Alweer? :P

    "If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me, everyone always just kind of assumed it."

    Surgeon schreef:
    Alweer? :P

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Adipose schreef:

    Het verbaast me niks meer. ;)

    "If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me, everyone always just kind of assumed it."

    Surgeon schreef:
    Het verbaast me niks meer. ;)
    “As an actor, you’re not supposed to get starstruck. It isn’t the done thing to be in awe of someone you’re working with. It wouldn’t be very helpful if you couldn’t look your co-star in the eye when you’re supposed to be playing their boss or their lover. It’s a professional necessity that you can at least pretend to be easy in the company of your colleagues. I would have to admit to a handful of instances where such professionalism has failed me though, and that afternoon, when I finally met Lis, was one of them.
    Reading through the script was easy; I was doing scenes with Sarah Jane Smith. I’d played them out a million times in the playground as a kid. But actually meeting Elisabeth Sladen who used to be on posters in my bedroom wall, and having to talk to her as an adult…It was all too much. Except, of course, she was everything I could hope she would be: Charming, diffident, conscientious, giggly, determined, straight-forward, a little crazy, and enormously warm.

    It could only have been with Elisabeth. It was always the Doctor and Sarah.”

    An excerpt from David Tennant’s foreword for Elisabeth Sladen’s autobiography: It Was Always the Doctor and Sarah.
    Door dat ging ik weer dood

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Eh, wassen is vermoeiend. Ik ga was uithangen en dan sporten. Ik doe nog iets, naast niksdoen x'D
    Tot straks?

    Deep inside, I've never felt alive

    Surgeon schreef:
    Het verbaast me niks meer. ;)
    “As an actor, you’re not supposed to get starstruck. It isn’t the done thing to be in awe of someone you’re working with. It wouldn’t be very helpful if you couldn’t look your co-star in the eye when you’re supposed to be playing their boss or their lover. It’s a professional necessity that you can at least pretend to be easy in the company of your colleagues. I would have to admit to a handful of instances where such professionalism has failed me though, and that afternoon, when I finally met Lis, was one of them.
    Reading through the script was easy; I was doing scenes with Sarah Jane Smith. I’d played them out a million times in the playground as a kid. But actually meeting Elisabeth Sladen who used to be on posters in my bedroom wall, and having to talk to her as an adult…It was all too much. Except, of course, she was everything I could hope she would be: Charming, diffident, conscientious, giggly, determined, straight-forward, a little crazy, and enormously warm.

    It could only have been with Elisabeth. It was always the Doctor and Sarah.”

    An excerpt from David Tennant’s foreword for Elisabeth Sladen’s autobiography: It Was Always the Doctor and Sarah.
    Door dat ging ik weer dood

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Surgeon schreef:
    Het verbaast me niks meer. ;)
    “As an actor, you’re not supposed to get starstruck. It isn’t the done thing to be in awe of someone you’re working with. It wouldn’t be very helpful if you couldn’t look your co-star in the eye when you’re supposed to be playing their boss or their lover. It’s a professional necessity that you can at least pretend to be easy in the company of your colleagues. I would have to admit to a handful of instances where such professionalism has failed me though, and that afternoon, when I finally met Lis, was one of them.
    Reading through the script was easy; I was doing scenes with Sarah Jane Smith. I’d played them out a million times in the playground as a kid. But actually meeting Elisabeth Sladen who used to be on posters in my bedroom wall, and having to talk to her as an adult…It was all too much. Except, of course, she was everything I could hope she would be: Charming, diffident, conscientious, giggly, determined, straight-forward, a little crazy, and enormously warm.

    It could only have been with Elisabeth. It was always the Doctor and Sarah.”

    An excerpt from David Tennant’s foreword for Elisabeth Sladen’s autobiography: It Was Always the Doctor and Sarah.
    Door dat ging ik weer dood

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Surgeon schreef:
    Het verbaast me niks meer. ;)
    “As an actor, you’re not supposed to get starstruck. It isn’t the done thing to be in awe of someone you’re working with. It wouldn’t be very helpful if you couldn’t look your co-star in the eye when you’re supposed to be playing their boss or their lover. It’s a professional necessity that you can at least pretend to be easy in the company of your colleagues. I would have to admit to a handful of instances where such professionalism has failed me though, and that afternoon, when I finally met Lis, was one of them.
    Reading through the script was easy; I was doing scenes with Sarah Jane Smith. I’d played them out a million times in the playground as a kid. But actually meeting Elisabeth Sladen who used to be on posters in my bedroom wall, and having to talk to her as an adult…It was all too much. Except, of course, she was everything I could hope she would be: Charming, diffident, conscientious, giggly, determined, straight-forward, a little crazy, and enormously warm.

    It could only have been with Elisabeth. It was always the Doctor and Sarah.”

    An excerpt from David Tennant’s foreword for Elisabeth Sladen’s autobiography: It Was Always the Doctor and Sarah.
    Door dat ging ik weer dood

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Eh, wassen is vermoeiend. Ik ga was uithangen en dan sporten. Ik doe nog iets, naast niksdoen x'D
    Tot straks?

    Deep inside, I've never felt alive

    Eh, wassen is vermoeiend. Ik ga was uithangen en dan sporten. Ik doe nog iets, naast niksdoen x'D
    Tot straks?

    Deep inside, I've never felt alive

    Surgeon schreef:
    Het verbaast me niks meer. ;)
    “As an actor, you’re not supposed to get starstruck. It isn’t the done thing to be in awe of someone you’re working with. It wouldn’t be very helpful if you couldn’t look your co-star in the eye when you’re supposed to be playing their boss or their lover. It’s a professional necessity that you can at least pretend to be easy in the company of your colleagues. I would have to admit to a handful of instances where such professionalism has failed me though, and that afternoon, when I finally met Lis, was one of them.
    Reading through the script was easy; I was doing scenes with Sarah Jane Smith. I’d played them out a million times in the playground as a kid. But actually meeting Elisabeth Sladen who used to be on posters in my bedroom wall, and having to talk to her as an adult…It was all too much. Except, of course, she was everything I could hope she would be: Charming, diffident, conscientious, giggly, determined, straight-forward, a little crazy, and enormously warm.

    It could only have been with Elisabeth. It was always the Doctor and Sarah.”

    An excerpt from David Tennant’s foreword for Elisabeth Sladen’s autobiography: It Was Always the Doctor and Sarah.
    Door dat ging ik weer dood

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Surgeon schreef:
    Het verbaast me niks meer. ;)
    “As an actor, you’re not supposed to get starstruck. It isn’t the done thing to be in awe of someone you’re working with. It wouldn’t be very helpful if you couldn’t look your co-star in the eye when you’re supposed to be playing their boss or their lover. It’s a professional necessity that you can at least pretend to be easy in the company of your colleagues. I would have to admit to a handful of instances where such professionalism has failed me though, and that afternoon, when I finally met Lis, was one of them.
    Reading through the script was easy; I was doing scenes with Sarah Jane Smith. I’d played them out a million times in the playground as a kid. But actually meeting Elisabeth Sladen who used to be on posters in my bedroom wall, and having to talk to her as an adult…It was all too much. Except, of course, she was everything I could hope she would be: Charming, diffident, conscientious, giggly, determined, straight-forward, a little crazy, and enormously warm.

    It could only have been with Elisabeth. It was always the Doctor and Sarah.”

    An excerpt from David Tennant’s foreword for Elisabeth Sladen’s autobiography: It Was Always the Doctor and Sarah.
    Door dat ging ik weer dood

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Surgeon schreef:
    Het verbaast me niks meer. ;)
    “As an actor, you’re not supposed to get starstruck. It isn’t the done thing to be in awe of someone you’re working with. It wouldn’t be very helpful if you couldn’t look your co-star in the eye when you’re supposed to be playing their boss or their lover. It’s a professional necessity that you can at least pretend to be easy in the company of your colleagues. I would have to admit to a handful of instances where such professionalism has failed me though, and that afternoon, when I finally met Lis, was one of them.
    Reading through the script was easy; I was doing scenes with Sarah Jane Smith. I’d played them out a million times in the playground as a kid. But actually meeting Elisabeth Sladen who used to be on posters in my bedroom wall, and having to talk to her as an adult…It was all too much. Except, of course, she was everything I could hope she would be: Charming, diffident, conscientious, giggly, determined, straight-forward, a little crazy, and enormously warm.

    It could only have been with Elisabeth. It was always the Doctor and Sarah.”

    An excerpt from David Tennant’s foreword for Elisabeth Sladen’s autobiography: It Was Always the Doctor and Sarah.
    Door dat ging ik weer dood

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Maar ik kan jou ook vermoorden Kim!

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat