• STEP ONE: Leave a comment if you don't you die.
    STEP TWO: Join us ^.^
    STEP THREE: Welcome to the dark side. We have cybercookies!

    Sarah - Strax - is 13 en wordt 14 op 5 mei, Belg
    Melissa - Vulcano - is 15 en wordt 16 op 22 januari, Belg
    Naomi - Ryler - is 18 en wordt 19 op 9 december, Belg
    Xanthe - Faelan - is 15 en wordt 16 op 7 juli, Belg
    Nele - Vastra - is 17 en wordt 18 op 21 april, Belg
    Bes - Frodo - is 15 en wordt 16 op 14 november, Belg
    Evelien - Russo - is 18 en wordt 19 op 4 juli, Belg
    Fren - Quatorze - is 13 en wordt 14 op 9 januari, Belg
    Erica - Scandal - is 20 en wordt 21 op 3 februari, Belg
    Marthe - Ranger - is 14 en wordt 15 op 31 mei, Belg

    Lisette - Eloquentia - is 15 en wordt 16 op 11 december, Nederlander
    Lisanne - Capitolium - is 14 en wordt 15 op 1 februari, Nederlander
    Lieke - Essink - is 16 en wordt 17 op 8 maart, Nederlander
    Nikki - Malfie - is 17 en wordt 18 op 3 november, Nederlander
    Mara - 221B - is 16 en wordt 17 op 29 mei, Nederlander
    Sofie - Ludovico - is 17 en wordt 18 op 9 januari, Nederlander
    Jette - Rawiyah - is 14 en wordt 15 op 3 augustus, Nederlander
    Kim - Hummerson - is 17 en wordt 18 op 14 september, Nederlander
    Tessa - TereziPyrope is 16 en wordt 17 op 12 juli, Nederlander
    Mare - Chanson - is 15 en wordt 16 op 8 augustus, Nederlander
    Marlijn - Delancy - is 14 en wordt 15 op 24 december, Nederlander
    Noek - Anthos - is 15 en wordt 16 op 27 juni, Nederlander
    Belle - Delone - is 16 en wordt 17 op 25 juli, Nederlander
    Erieka - Cult - is 17 en wordt 18 op 1 december, Nederlander
    Tara - Gaea - is 16 en wordt 17 op 16 juni, Nederlander
    Jaimy - Irvine - is 16 en wordt 17 op 14 april, Nederlander
    Anne - Erestor - is 16 en wordt 17 op 20 februari, Nederlander

    *Naamsveranderingen doorgeven graag.
    *Als je meer dan 5 dagen niet in het topic geweest bent, word je van de lijst geschrapt.

    The Game
    1. Iedereen doet mee aan de game. Overal en altijd.
    2. Als je aan de game denkt ben je af.
    3. Als je af bent moet je dat melden. (door 'lost the game' o.i.d. te zeggen)
    4. Nadat je af bent krijg je een half uur om de game te vergeten, in die tijd speel je niet mee. Als deze tijd om is doe je gewoon weer mee en kan je de game weer verliezen.

    BELANGRIJK: Wij awesome personen hebben een twitteraccount. Onze awesomeness heeft al meer dan 400 topics gevuld! We gaan voor het dubbele! Wij zijn het awesomest van allemaal!

    Opgelet mensen!
    - Deze lijst is terug!
    - Lisanne is dood.
    - Nikki heet niet meer Visser maar Vismans.
    - Sarah verdient een award!
    - Marthe, Fren, Lieke, Evelien en Naomi zijn verslaafd aan Pretty Little Liars.
    - Lieke is pedo-priesteres.
    - Sarah, Fren en Kim spelen Minecraft!
    - Marthe, Fren en Sofie hebben Avatar verslaving!
    - Melissa is SpamSpam de superheld!
    - Kim, Nele en Sarah zijn Doctor Who verslaafd.
    - Melissa en Sarah zijn nostalgisch over een jaar geleden.
    - Sarah heeft een game verslaving.
    - Nele is de enige echte blub.
    - Sarah is de enige echte blubbersok.
    - Sarah heeft een giraf.
    - Lisanne en Sarah praten veel met BAD Translator.
    - Sarah and Kim like Scottish men.
    - Evelien houdt ongelooflijk veel van musicals.
    - Kim is een hert én een beer.
    - Langhaargastjes, zwaarden en centauren zijn Belle's obsessies en Kim deelt die obsessies.
    - Naomi is verslaafd aan Switched at birth en Teen Wolf.
    - Xanthe heeft een Percy Jackson verslaving
    - Sarah heeft een grote David Tennant verslaving.
    - Kim heeft een Sherlock verslaving.
    - Marlijn en Xanthe houden van flamingo's, gewoon omdat ze awesome zijn.
    - Belle en Kim houden van phieuw phieuwen.
    - Xanthe, Belle en Marlijn zijn verslaafd aan Lipton Ice Tea en hebben het drankje heilig verklaard.
    - Noek heeft een obsessie voor appels en palmbomen
    - Noek is een ruimteschip aan het bouwen om mee naar mars te vliegen en jongens te bewonderen.
    - Sarah gaat heel vaak dood.
    - Xanthe gaat te laat slapen omdat ze filmverslaafd is.
    - Sarah is happy omdat ze haar ouders overtuigd heeft om Doctor Who te kijken.
    - Sofie heeft het te druk met school, waardoor ze weinig tot niet online komt. Ze biedt hiervoor haar excuses aan en geeft de schuld aan school.
    - Sarah zal voor altijd deze gif blijven posten omdat het de schattigste gif ooit is.
    - Kim is kroonprinses dus buig voor haar.
    - Marlijn is zo cute en awesome dat Xanthe nu dood is.
    - Fren wil columnist worden.
    - Xanthe en Naomi praten 's nachts vaak in hun alteregos Faelan en Anthony.
    - Marthe is Densi-verslaafd. En Percabeth-verslaafd.
    - Erieka is heel erg lief. Period. En ze stond hier nog niet in. Foei.
    - Jaimy houdt ook van musicals! Lang leve Jaimy!

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 sep 2013 - 16:43 ]

    "If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me, everyone always just kind of assumed it."


    •*• Lululu •*•


    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat


    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Het is hier dood. :c

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Vulcano schreef:
    Het is hier dood. :c
    Wil je mijn karakterlijst lezen?
    Hij is wel in het Engels omdat ik het ook in het Engels ga schrijven

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Strax schreef:
    (...)Wil je mijn karakterlijst lezen?
    Hij is wel in het Engels omdat ik het ook in het Engels ga schrijven

    Ja, hoor. (:

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Vulcano schreef:

    Ja, hoor. (:
    Er kloppen denkelijk hier en daar wat dingen niet
    Character's Full Name: Matthew(Matt) Alexander Parker
    Birthdate: 21/04/1998:

     Age: 15
    How old does he appear?: He pretty much looks his age but when he has a light stubble people think he’s 17-18, which he uses to get beer at parties.
     Eye Color: Green
    Glasses or contacts? He wears glasses in school, but can leave them off in his free time.
     Hair color: Dark brown
     Typical hairstyle: He usually has his hair hanging in his face.
     Height: 175 cm
     Type of body/build: Matt is quite skinny
     Nationality: British
     Most predominant feature: He has very noticeable freckles which he doesn’t like because they look childish according to him.
     Is s/he healthy? Sort of
    If not, why not: He’s healthy but very close to being underweight
     Physical abilities (what is character good at? sports, etc.): Matt is a very fast runner and he has the ability to jump very high which can come in practical. He’s also quite good at cricket which he played a lot in his hometown.
     Colour: Dark Blue
     Music: Depends on his mood, sometimes he likes classical music but sometimes he needs some hard rock to relax himself.
     Food: Matt is addicted to everything chicken
     Literature: Even though he doesn’t like admitting it, Matt is a big fan of poems
     Mode of transportation: He likes taking the metro of the bus.
    o Drinks:
    What? He drinks wine and beer at party’s and holidays
    How often? He only drinks wine at Christmas and drinks beer(and often gets drunk) at every party he goes to even though he is still under age.
    o Worst bad habit? Drinking and skipping meals.
    o Hometown: Stillington, when he was 10 his family moved to London for his dad’s job. He often misses it because he had friends there and it was less busy.
    o Type of childhood: Matt was quite a happy child, he spend his days running around the field behind his house and playing cricket with his friends or family. After he moved to London he got quieter but was still happy most of the time.
    o Most important childhood event that still affects him/her: The dead of his grandmother when he was 6.
    Why? Matt was very close to his grandmother, not only because she gave him presents but also because she could always make him laugh. Every year, on her dying date he still gets sad because he misses her so much.
    o Booksmart or streetsmart? Matt is mostly streetsmart but he’s very good at math and English.

    o Religion and/or religious views and/or tendencies? He’s officially a catholic but he doesn’t really do anything with it.
    o Mother (name): Anna Samantha Green/Parker
    Relationship with her: Matt is very close to his mother, he can always tell her his problems and she is always there for him.
    o Father (name): George Alexander Parker
    Relationship with him: Matt is also close to his dad though he doesn’t quite understand him as his mother does and they have had some fights.
    o Extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.): He has 2 uncles and 1 aunt on his mother’s side and 2 aunts on his dad’s side. He also has a 9 year old cousin on his mum’s side but he doesn’t know him very well. He doesn’t have much contact with the rest of his family because they live so far away, he does however call his grandparents at least once a month and sees the entire family every Christmas.
    o Dream job: Matt doesn’t know what he wants as a job but people often encourage him to become an engineer.
    o Greatest fear: Being left on his own.
    o Worst thing that could happen to him/her? Losing his mother. He is extremely close to his mother and he will be devastated if he lost her.
    o How he feels about self: Matt is quite happy with how he is but gets mad at himself for skipping meals and drinking to much.
    o Past failure he would be embarrassed to have people know about: When he was 13 he got drunk at his mums birthday party, he threw up all over the guests.
    o Daredevil or cautious? He’s very cautious at times but he does like to show off by doing parkours.

    o Biggest regret? Accidently telling his cousin Santa isn’t real on Christmas Eve(he overheard a conversation)
    o Biggest accomplishment: Winning a national writing competition when he was 12, getting only A’s on English for an entire term.
    o Minor accomplishments: Winning a game of cricket 3 times in a row when he was 9.
    o Greatest source of strength in character's personality: He’s very polite.
    o Greatest source of weakness in character's personality: He can get irritated very easily, he realizes this and sometimes warns people about it.
    o Character's soft spot: The way things are worded in certain poems and songs.
    Is this soft spot obvious to others? No, he doesn’t talk about his love for poems to anyone but his parents.
    If not, how does character hide it? He never mentions it, if he reads a poem or listens to a song in class he holds his feelings back.
    o Optimist or pessimist? He’s very optimistic about things, if things go wrong he always says that it’ll get better.
    o Extremely skilled at: Writing, math and parkour.
    o Extremely unskilled at: Being patient, drawing, chemistry, football.
     What do family/friends like most about character? He’s very polite, funny and likes helping people.
     What do family/friends like least about character? He can be very annoying at times, he has a lot of secrets(only his mum knows most of them).

     How character react in a crisis (calm/panic/etc.)? He usually stays calm but depending on the situation he can panic. He will always try to (help) fix whatever is happening.
     How does character face problems? Usually he faces them directly but sometimes he doesn’t do anything about it for weeks.
    Kinds of problems character usually runs into: Bullying, getting drunk, skipping breakfast/lunch/dinner.
     How does character react to NEW problems? He tries to find an explanation and solve them as fast a possible.
     How does character react to change? He doesn’t like change, he was very mad at his dad for example when they moved to London.
     Where does character live? In a flat in the center on London with his parents.
    Where does character want to live? He wants to move back to Stillington.
     Most prized possession: A toy rabbit he got from his grandmother a year before she died.
     Does character like animals? He loves animals even though he doesn’t have any, he did however have a rabbit and 2 dogs in his hometown.
     Most important person in character's life before story starts: His mother, because he can tell her and trust her with all his problems.

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Strax schreef:
    (...)Er kloppen denkelijk hier en daar wat dingen niet
    Character's Full Name: Matthew(Matt) Alexander Parker
    Birthdate: 21/04/1998:

     Age: 15
    How old does he appear?: He pretty much looks his age but when he has a light stubble people think he’s 17-18, which he uses to get beer at parties.
     Eye Color: Green
    Glasses or contacts? He wears glasses in school, but can leave them off in his free time.
     Hair color: Dark brown
     Typical hairstyle: He usually has his hair hanging in his face.
     Height: 175 cm
     Type of body/build: Matt is quite skinny
     Nationality: British
     Most predominant feature: He has very noticeable freckles which he doesn’t like because they look childish according to him.
     Is s/he healthy? Sort of
    If not, why not: He’s healthy but very close to being underweight
     Physical abilities (what is character good at? sports, etc.): Matt is a very fast runner and he has the ability to jump very high which can come in practical. He’s also quite good at cricket which he played a lot in his hometown.
     Colour: Dark Blue
     Music: Depends on his mood, sometimes he likes classical music but sometimes he needs some hard rock to relax himself.
     Food: Matt is addicted to everything chicken
     Literature: Even though he doesn’t like admitting it, Matt is a big fan of poems
     Mode of transportation: He likes taking the metro of the bus.
    o Drinks:
    What? He drinks wine and beer at party’s and holidays
    How often? He only drinks wine at Christmas and drinks beer(and often gets drunk) at every party he goes to even though he is still under age.
    o Worst bad habit? Drinking and skipping meals.
    o Hometown: Stillington, when he was 10 his family moved to London for his dad’s job. He often misses it because he had friends there and it was less busy.
    o Type of childhood: Matt was quite a happy child, he spend his days running around the field behind his house and playing cricket with his friends or family. After he moved to London he got quieter but was still happy most of the time.
    o Most important childhood event that still affects him/her: The dead of his grandmother when he was 6.
    Why? Matt was very close to his grandmother, not only because she gave him presents but also because she could always make him laugh. Every year, on her dying date he still gets sad because he misses her so much.
    o Booksmart or streetsmart? Matt is mostly streetsmart but he’s very good at math and English.

    o Religion and/or religious views and/or tendencies? He’s officially a catholic but he doesn’t really do anything with it.
    o Mother (name): Anna Samantha Green/Parker
    Relationship with her: Matt is very close to his mother, he can always tell her his problems and she is always there for him.
    o Father (name): George Alexander Parker
    Relationship with him: Matt is also close to his dad though he doesn’t quite understand him as his mother does and they have had some fights.
    o Extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.): He has 2 uncles and 1 aunt on his mother’s side and 2 aunts on his dad’s side. He also has a 9 year old cousin on his mum’s side but he doesn’t know him very well. He doesn’t have much contact with the rest of his family because they live so far away, he does however call his grandparents at least once a month and sees the entire family every Christmas.
    o Dream job: Matt doesn’t know what he wants as a job but people often encourage him to become an engineer.
    o Greatest fear: Being left on his own.
    o Worst thing that could happen to him/her? Losing his mother. He is extremely close to his mother and he will be devastated if he lost her.
    o How he feels about self: Matt is quite happy with how he is but gets mad at himself for skipping meals and drinking to much.
    o Past failure he would be embarrassed to have people know about: When he was 13 he got drunk at his mums birthday party, he threw up all over the guests.
    o Daredevil or cautious? He’s very cautious at times but he does like to show off by doing parkours.

    o Biggest regret? Accidently telling his cousin Santa isn’t real on Christmas Eve(he overheard a conversation)
    o Biggest accomplishment: Winning a national writing competition when he was 12, getting only A’s on English for an entire term.
    o Minor accomplishments: Winning a game of cricket 3 times in a row when he was 9.
    o Greatest source of strength in character's personality: He’s very polite.
    o Greatest source of weakness in character's personality: He can get irritated very easily, he realizes this and sometimes warns people about it.
    o Character's soft spot: The way things are worded in certain poems and songs.
    Is this soft spot obvious to others? No, he doesn’t talk about his love for poems to anyone but his parents.
    If not, how does character hide it? He never mentions it, if he reads a poem or listens to a song in class he holds his feelings back.
    o Optimist or pessimist? He’s very optimistic about things, if things go wrong he always says that it’ll get better.
    o Extremely skilled at: Writing, math and parkour.
    o Extremely unskilled at: Being patient, drawing, chemistry, football.
     What do family/friends like most about character? He’s very polite, funny and likes helping people.
     What do family/friends like least about character? He can be very annoying at times, he has a lot of secrets(only his mum knows most of them).

     How character react in a crisis (calm/panic/etc.)? He usually stays calm but depending on the situation he can panic. He will always try to (help) fix whatever is happening.
     How does character face problems? Usually he faces them directly but sometimes he doesn’t do anything about it for weeks.
    Kinds of problems character usually runs into: Bullying, getting drunk, skipping breakfast/lunch/dinner.
     How does character react to NEW problems? He tries to find an explanation and solve them as fast a possible.
     How does character react to change? He doesn’t like change, he was very mad at his dad for example when they moved to London.
     Where does character live? In a flat in the center on London with his parents.
    Where does character want to live? He wants to move back to Stillington.
     Most prized possession: A toy rabbit he got from his grandmother a year before she died.
     Does character like animals? He loves animals even though he doesn’t have any, he did however have a rabbit and 2 dogs in his hometown.
     Most important person in character's life before story starts: His mother, because he can tell her and trust her with all his problems.

    Ik heb het helemaal gelezen en het lijkt me een erg leuk personage :Y)
    Maar hoeveel tijd heb je daar wel niet in moeten steken, om die hele lijst in te vullen :c

    Rise and rise again until lambs become lions

    Strax schreef:
    (...)Er kloppen denkelijk hier en daar wat dingen niet
    Character's Full Name: Matthew(Matt) Alexander Parker
    Birthdate: 21/04/1998:

     Age: 15
    How old does he appear?: He pretty much looks his age but when he has a light stubble people think he’s 17-18, which he uses to get beer at parties.
     Eye Color: Green
    Glasses or contacts? He wears glasses in school, but can leave them off in his free time.
     Hair color: Dark brown
     Typical hairstyle: He usually has his hair hanging in his face.
     Height: 175 cm
     Type of body/build: Matt is quite skinny
     Nationality: British
     Most predominant feature: He has very noticeable freckles which he doesn’t like because they look childish according to him.
     Is s/he healthy? Sort of
    If not, why not: He’s healthy but very close to being underweight
     Physical abilities (what is character good at? sports, etc.): Matt is a very fast runner and he has the ability to jump very high which can come in practical. He’s also quite good at cricket which he played a lot in his hometown.
     Colour: Dark Blue
     Music: Depends on his mood, sometimes he likes classical music but sometimes he needs some hard rock to relax himself.
     Food: Matt is addicted to everything chicken
     Literature: Even though he doesn’t like admitting it, Matt is a big fan of poems
     Mode of transportation: He likes taking the metro of the bus.
    o Drinks:
    What? He drinks wine and beer at party’s and holidays
    How often? He only drinks wine at Christmas and drinks beer(and often gets drunk) at every party he goes to even though he is still under age.
    o Worst bad habit? Drinking and skipping meals.
    o Hometown: Stillington, when he was 10 his family moved to London for his dad’s job. He often misses it because he had friends there and it was less busy.
    o Type of childhood: Matt was quite a happy child, he spend his days running around the field behind his house and playing cricket with his friends or family. After he moved to London he got quieter but was still happy most of the time.
    o Most important childhood event that still affects him/her: The dead of his grandmother when he was 6.
    Why? Matt was very close to his grandmother, not only because she gave him presents but also because she could always make him laugh. Every year, on her dying date he still gets sad because he misses her so much.
    o Booksmart or streetsmart? Matt is mostly streetsmart but he’s very good at math and English.

    o Religion and/or religious views and/or tendencies? He’s officially a catholic but he doesn’t really do anything with it.
    o Mother (name): Anna Samantha Green/Parker
    Relationship with her: Matt is very close to his mother, he can always tell her his problems and she is always there for him.
    o Father (name): George Alexander Parker
    Relationship with him: Matt is also close to his dad though he doesn’t quite understand him as his mother does and they have had some fights.
    o Extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.): He has 2 uncles and 1 aunt on his mother’s side and 2 aunts on his dad’s side. He also has a 9 year old cousin on his mum’s side but he doesn’t know him very well. He doesn’t have much contact with the rest of his family because they live so far away, he does however call his grandparents at least once a month and sees the entire family every Christmas.
    o Dream job: Matt doesn’t know what he wants as a job but people often encourage him to become an engineer.
    o Greatest fear: Being left on his own.
    o Worst thing that could happen to him/her? Losing his mother. He is extremely close to his mother and he will be devastated if he lost her.
    o How he feels about self: Matt is quite happy with how he is but gets mad at himself for skipping meals and drinking to much.
    o Past failure he would be embarrassed to have people know about: When he was 13 he got drunk at his mums birthday party, he threw up all over the guests.
    o Daredevil or cautious? He’s very cautious at times but he does like to show off by doing parkours.

    o Biggest regret? Accidently telling his cousin Santa isn’t real on Christmas Eve(he overheard a conversation)
    o Biggest accomplishment: Winning a national writing competition when he was 12, getting only A’s on English for an entire term.
    o Minor accomplishments: Winning a game of cricket 3 times in a row when he was 9.
    o Greatest source of strength in character's personality: He’s very polite.
    o Greatest source of weakness in character's personality: He can get irritated very easily, he realizes this and sometimes warns people about it.
    o Character's soft spot: The way things are worded in certain poems and songs.
    Is this soft spot obvious to others? No, he doesn’t talk about his love for poems to anyone but his parents.
    If not, how does character hide it? He never mentions it, if he reads a poem or listens to a song in class he holds his feelings back.
    o Optimist or pessimist? He’s very optimistic about things, if things go wrong he always says that it’ll get better.
    o Extremely skilled at: Writing, math and parkour.
    o Extremely unskilled at: Being patient, drawing, chemistry, football.
     What do family/friends like most about character? He’s very polite, funny and likes helping people.
     What do family/friends like least about character? He can be very annoying at times, he has a lot of secrets(only his mum knows most of them).

     How character react in a crisis (calm/panic/etc.)? He usually stays calm but depending on the situation he can panic. He will always try to (help) fix whatever is happening.
     How does character face problems? Usually he faces them directly but sometimes he doesn’t do anything about it for weeks.
    Kinds of problems character usually runs into: Bullying, getting drunk, skipping breakfast/lunch/dinner.
     How does character react to NEW problems? He tries to find an explanation and solve them as fast a possible.
     How does character react to change? He doesn’t like change, he was very mad at his dad for example when they moved to London.
     Where does character live? In a flat in the center on London with his parents.
    Where does character want to live? He wants to move back to Stillington.
     Most prized possession: A toy rabbit he got from his grandmother a year before she died.
     Does character like animals? He loves animals even though he doesn’t have any, he did however have a rabbit and 2 dogs in his hometown.
     Most important person in character's life before story starts: His mother, because he can tell her and trust her with all his problems.

    Wauw, das een lange lijst...

    Goodmorning btw :')

    [ bericht aangepast op 22 sep 2013 - 11:15 ]


    Ik ben een cake aan het bakken (bloos)

    26 - 02 - '16

    Strax schreef:
    (...)Er kloppen denkelijk hier en daar wat dingen niet
    Character's Full Name: Matthew(Matt) Alexander Parker
    Birthdate: 21/04/1998:

     Age: 15
    How old does he appear?: He pretty much looks his age but when he has a light stubble people think he’s 17-18, which he uses to get beer at parties.
     Eye Color: Green
    Glasses or contacts? He wears glasses in school, but can leave them off in his free time.
     Hair color: Dark brown
     Typical hairstyle: He usually has his hair hanging in his face.
     Height: 175 cm
     Type of body/build: Matt is quite skinny
     Nationality: British
     Most predominant feature: He has very noticeable freckles which he doesn’t like because they look childish according to him.
     Is s/he healthy? Sort of
    If not, why not: He’s healthy but very close to being underweight
     Physical abilities (what is character good at? sports, etc.): Matt is a very fast runner and he has the ability to jump very high which can come in practical. He’s also quite good at cricket which he played a lot in his hometown.
     Colour: Dark Blue
     Music: Depends on his mood, sometimes he likes classical music but sometimes he needs some hard rock to relax himself.
     Food: Matt is addicted to everything chicken
     Literature: Even though he doesn’t like admitting it, Matt is a big fan of poems
     Mode of transportation: He likes taking the metro of the bus.
    o Drinks:
    What? He drinks wine and beer at party’s and holidays
    How often? He only drinks wine at Christmas and drinks beer(and often gets drunk) at every party he goes to even though he is still under age.
    o Worst bad habit? Drinking and skipping meals.
    o Hometown: Stillington, when he was 10 his family moved to London for his dad’s job. He often misses it because he had friends there and it was less busy.
    o Type of childhood: Matt was quite a happy child, he spend his days running around the field behind his house and playing cricket with his friends or family. After he moved to London he got quieter but was still happy most of the time.
    o Most important childhood event that still affects him/her: The dead of his grandmother when he was 6.
    Why? Matt was very close to his grandmother, not only because she gave him presents but also because she could always make him laugh. Every year, on her dying date he still gets sad because he misses her so much.
    o Booksmart or streetsmart? Matt is mostly streetsmart but he’s very good at math and English.

    o Religion and/or religious views and/or tendencies? He’s officially a catholic but he doesn’t really do anything with it.
    o Mother (name): Anna Samantha Green/Parker
    Relationship with her: Matt is very close to his mother, he can always tell her his problems and she is always there for him.
    o Father (name): George Alexander Parker
    Relationship with him: Matt is also close to his dad though he doesn’t quite understand him as his mother does and they have had some fights.
    o Extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.): He has 2 uncles and 1 aunt on his mother’s side and 2 aunts on his dad’s side. He also has a 9 year old cousin on his mum’s side but he doesn’t know him very well. He doesn’t have much contact with the rest of his family because they live so far away, he does however call his grandparents at least once a month and sees the entire family every Christmas.
    o Dream job: Matt doesn’t know what he wants as a job but people often encourage him to become an engineer.
    o Greatest fear: Being left on his own.
    o Worst thing that could happen to him/her? Losing his mother. He is extremely close to his mother and he will be devastated if he lost her.
    o How he feels about self: Matt is quite happy with how he is but gets mad at himself for skipping meals and drinking to much.
    o Past failure he would be embarrassed to have people know about: When he was 13 he got drunk at his mums birthday party, he threw up all over the guests.
    o Daredevil or cautious? He’s very cautious at times but he does like to show off by doing parkours.

    o Biggest regret? Accidently telling his cousin Santa isn’t real on Christmas Eve(he overheard a conversation)
    o Biggest accomplishment: Winning a national writing competition when he was 12, getting only A’s on English for an entire term.
    o Minor accomplishments: Winning a game of cricket 3 times in a row when he was 9.
    o Greatest source of strength in character's personality: He’s very polite.
    o Greatest source of weakness in character's personality: He can get irritated very easily, he realizes this and sometimes warns people about it.
    o Character's soft spot: The way things are worded in certain poems and songs.
    Is this soft spot obvious to others? No, he doesn’t talk about his love for poems to anyone but his parents.
    If not, how does character hide it? He never mentions it, if he reads a poem or listens to a song in class he holds his feelings back.
    o Optimist or pessimist? He’s very optimistic about things, if things go wrong he always says that it’ll get better.
    o Extremely skilled at: Writing, math and parkour.
    o Extremely unskilled at: Being patient, drawing, chemistry, football.
     What do family/friends like most about character? He’s very polite, funny and likes helping people.
     What do family/friends like least about character? He can be very annoying at times, he has a lot of secrets(only his mum knows most of them).

     How character react in a crisis (calm/panic/etc.)? He usually stays calm but depending on the situation he can panic. He will always try to (help) fix whatever is happening.
     How does character face problems? Usually he faces them directly but sometimes he doesn’t do anything about it for weeks.
    Kinds of problems character usually runs into: Bullying, getting drunk, skipping breakfast/lunch/dinner.
     How does character react to NEW problems? He tries to find an explanation and solve them as fast a possible.
     How does character react to change? He doesn’t like change, he was very mad at his dad for example when they moved to London.
     Where does character live? In a flat in the center on London with his parents.
    Where does character want to live? He wants to move back to Stillington.
     Most prized possession: A toy rabbit he got from his grandmother a year before she died.
     Does character like animals? He loves animals even though he doesn’t have any, he did however have a rabbit and 2 dogs in his hometown.
     Most important person in character's life before story starts: His mother, because he can tell her and trust her with all his problems.

    Zo lang. ;o
    Dat moet echt veel werk geweest zijn.

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Cult schreef:
    Ik ben een cake aan het bakken (bloos)

    Geef mij een stukje! D:

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Vulcano schreef:

    Zo lang. ;o
    Dat moet echt veel werk geweest zijn.
    Het duurde ook lang, maar vind je het een leuk personage?

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Cult schreef:
    Ik ben een cake aan het bakken (bloos)
    Ik heb nog taart van mijn oma :Y)

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Trouwens, de lijst was eerst langer, ik heb een paar dingen weggelaten.

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat