• Omdat het vorige topic al twee weken gesloten is.
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    I would tell you my autumn joke but you probably wouldn't fall for it


    Never mistake a woman's meekness for weakness.


    “She was another broken doll dreaming of a boy with glue.” - Atticus


    "Delaying death is one of my favourite hobbies."

    Ehm, 3. Ik begrijp er weinig van, eerlijk gezegd :'D

    Some people are art and do art at the same time


    16 - 09 - '17


    "Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us." - Jane Austen


    Never mistake a woman's meekness for weakness.

    9 :3

    'The best way to predict the future is to create it'.

    8.5. c:

    I would tell you my autumn joke but you probably wouldn't fall for it

    5.5 Ik kan echt totaal geen Frans maar het leest leuk? :'D

    | 'Sorry for being awesome, losers,' Call had said before he blacked out. | The Iron Trial

    EIias schreef:
    5.5 Ik kan echt totaal geen Frans maar het leest leuk? :'D

    Wacht, ik ga de vertaling erbij zetten. Het betekent: "Ik ben gek. Gek op jou." :'D

    I would tell you my autumn joke but you probably wouldn't fall for it

    Vuelie schreef:
    Wacht, ik ga de vertaling erbij zetten. Het betekent: "Ik ben gek. Gek op jou." :'D

    Ah dat is beter. Dan een 8 :'D

    | 'Sorry for being awesome, losers,' Call had said before he blacked out. | The Iron Trial

    Vuelie schreef:
    Wacht, ik ga de vertaling erbij zetten. Het betekent: "Ik ben gek. Gek op jou." :'D

    Haah dat wist ik! :)

    OT: 7

    Never mistake a woman's meekness for weakness.


    so if you care to find me, look to the western sky, as someone told me lately: everyone deserves a chance to fly


    The sun will rise and we will try again.