• Penny Dreadful

    "Something wicked is coming this way..."

    London, 1890

    After the horrors of Jack The Ripper in 1888. London gets terrorized with something new, something supernatural. Only a few people in London dare to stand up against these cruels lurking around London at night. But are they inflicted with the supernatural themselves?


    LukeRHemmings Alexander Jackson Smith [fortuneteller] 1-2
    AzazeI reservation [vampire] 19-8

    Rasalhague- Rose Blanchet Kingsley [human] 1/1
    Serenata Amanda Celina Lowther. [Vampire] 1/2
    Scira Hester Uma Kyrrell [Nightcomer] 1/3
    Alazia Reservation [Daycomer] 18-8


    Special characters:

    Dorian Gray
    A young man who trapped his soul in a painting and gained immortality.

    Viktor Frankenstein
    A young doctor who is obsessed with the living and dead.

    A man created from the dead by the hands of Viktor Frankenstein

    Ethan Chandler
    A Amercian man who seeks salvation and work in London. Appears to be a werewolf.

    These characters are also available but it's forbidden to take faceclaims from the serie itself! You can extend these character as you want and as you wish.

    Important information:
    - This RPG is open for 16+.
    - This RPG definitely contains horror and the supernatural.
    -Eventhough your english isn't that good, you can still participate, my english isn't that perfect either.
    -Posts minimum 300 words.
    - Reservations stay for four days.
    - Questions? Ask them!

    And most of all
    Don't be frightened!

    [ bericht aangepast op 8 sep 2015 - 19:42 ]

    "Everytime I see the red hair bouncing so gracefully, I remember how much damage I did to that magnificient flower..."

    Alex Smith
    Fortune teller || Blind || I just wanted to do some shopping
    When I snapped out of it, the dark energy felt ever closer than before. I could hear Pip softly growling under her breath, which meant she could feel it too. It sent shivers down my spine and I tried to keep my head low, to pevent any more visions to happen. The first thing I heard wasn't the warm vice of the girl I'd bumped into, but a slightly colder voice. It still sounded high and warmly worried, but it didn't match something human. Luckily the warm girl, who had just been shouting at me, was there to answer questions. There was still a lot of commotion and I just wanted to do my shopping and go home, to prevent anything else from happening. "I'm okay. I'm okay. I just need some space and my groceries. Nothing more." I squeeled at everyone around me. I'd rather just run, get out of here and go home, where I'm deliberated from visions, just for a while. The thing was, that I had to do the shopping, or I would never get any more freedom from my parents. I just wanted to get my stuff, pay, and go home. The warm girl was okay, but the cold girl gave me the heaby jeabies. I usually didn't have that around anyone. People were cold to me, but they didn't scare me. This girl scared me, a lot. I got Pip closer to me and tried to manouvre her inbetween me and the cold girl. "I have a list. Can you help me with it? And I will notice if you give me somehing I don't need."The last thing was a warning, because people had tried to decieve me just once too many times. These questions were mainly towards the man from the store, who would probably be here aswell. It wasn't a long list: Apples, pears, potatoes, carrots, beans, salt, cream, and parsley. My mum had gotten some meat alreay, so I didn't have to go to the butcher today. I still wanted to finish this trip successfully, eventhough I still was a wreck due to the terrible vision I'd just had.

    Bowties were never Cooler