''Good evening idiots, welcome to Kappa Kappa Tau''
    — Loosely based on Scream Queens on Fox.
    — Warning! This RPG contains the use of alcohol, drugs, sexual activities and murder!
    — This RPG is originally from TRC, but I've got permission to use it.

    • P L O T •
    Wallace University is rocked by a string of murders. Kappa House, the most sought-after sorority for pledges, is ruled with an iron fist by its Queen Bitch, Celestia 'Cece' Flores. But when anti-Kappa Dean Cathy Munsch decrees that sorority pledging must be open to all students, and not just the school's silver-spooned elite, all hell is about to break loose, as a knighted-clad killer begins wreaking havoc, claiming one victim, one episode at a time. Part black comedy, part slasher flick, Scream Queens is a modern take on the classic whodunit, in which every character has a motive for murder... Or could easily be the next blood-soaked casualty.

    Sorority - Our Queen Bitch and Sorority Leader, Celia has got quite a few friends on campus and in the Sorority. She refers to her friends in the Sorority as 'Cece #2', 'Cece #3', 'Cece #4', 'Cece #5' and 'Cece #6', they're her minions. Who will go out of their way to get her attention and love.

    Fraternity - COMING SOON!

    Name - Wallace University
    Location - Athens, GA, USA.
    Established - 1928
    Leader(s) - Dean Cathy Munsch
    Colours - Red & black
    Mascot - The Black Knight/The Dark Night

    • S O R O R I T Y •
    Shown at the side, further house rules listed down below.
    Name - Kappa Kappa Tau
    Established - 1979
    Leader(s) - Celestia 'Cece' Flores
    - Never enter a room without knocking;
    - Only order Pumkin Spice Lattes with no foam, 2 shots , at 212°;
    - Tuesdays we wear pink. If you are not wearing the required color, you will be forced to change;
    - Your legs must be clean shaven at all times;
    - Black socks are a crime;
    - You must visit the tanning salon at least 2 times in one week for a 'healthy glow';
    - Pledges are required to get a mani- and pedicure at least twice a month;
    - Boyfriends are not allowed to keep for longer than 3 months, unless he is going to marry you;
    - Don't wear anything again for an entire month;
    - Once you disrespect a sister, you will have to do her laundry;
    - tbc

    Friends - Sigma Gamma Theta
    Rivals - Phi Theta Delta
    Photos here.

    • F R A T E R N I T Y •
    Name - Sigma Gamma Theta
    Established - 1992
    Leader(s) - Who would like to be?
    Rules -
    - If the door's closed, DON'T COME IN. KNOCK!;
    - White socks in sandals are forbidden;
    - Only hot girls allowed inside;
    - Do not touch eachothers stuff with out permission;
    - If you drink the booze, buy more to fill the fridge again;
    - If someone's name is on food or drinks, don't you dare touch it;
    - Dibs is dibs, no exceptions;
    - Bro's before hoes;
    - Pick up your dirty underwear, nobody wants to see it;
    - Sweatbands shall not be worn, they shall be burned;
    - No girlfriends allowed, one-nightstands or fwb only;
    - Exception to the rule above, with special permission it sometimes will be allowed by the frat-leader;
    - Pranks are allowed, only on the newbies;
    - Initiation is obligatory, no exceptation.

    Friends - Kappa Kappa Tau
    Rivals - Phi Theta Delta

    • P L E D G E S •
    Kappa Kappa Tau - (stop at 8)
    — Bezet voor ChanelOberlin (FC: Gigi Hadid)
    — Bezet voor Aveyard (FC: ?)

    Sigma Gamma Theta - (stop at 8)
    — Bezet voor Vulcan

    • L I S T •
    Name —
    Age —
    Reputation —
    Kappa Kappa Tau or Sigma Gamma Theta —
    Nationality —
    Appearance —
    Character —
    History/Family —
    Relationships —
    Extra —

    • V I L L A I N •
    Every sorority has a villain. Kappa Kappa Tau's is the black knight. Fully dressed in black, a headpiece of an knight and a black knight's costume you could easily find at a Halloween store. Just like the mascot of our university. It is unknown who our black knight is, killing Kappa Kappa Tau members with his own version of a sword: a knife. The police is trying to find out, but the KKT's have their own investigation going on.
    Photo here

    ''It's like a Friends episode but someone is trying to, you know, murder all the friends.''

    ''What fresh hell is this?''

    “I am gonna barf on your face unless you get out of here.”

    “Shandell, why you gotta knife through your throat?”

    To be continued

    [ bericht aangepast op 8 okt 2015 - 16:17 ]

    Zou ik een meisje mogen?

    take me back to the basics and the simple life

    @Aveyard, sure!

    Can I have a guy please?

    " icarus had loved the sun, and so daedalus lost his. "

    @Vulcan, ofc!

    Can I have a frat-boy with a boy/girl friend?

    [ bericht aangepast op 9 okt 2015 - 12:23 ]

    Bowties were never Cooler


    [ bericht aangepast op 8 okt 2015 - 17:17 ]

    But perhaps the monsters needed to look out for each other every now and then.

    Ik ga me zo even verdiepen hier in en dan ga ik een rol reserveren! (Dit is een herinnering voor mezelf)

    I had a few, got drunk on you and now I'm wasted

    Mag ik een meisje en een jongen?

    I had a few, got drunk on you and now I'm wasted


    [ bericht aangepast op 13 okt 2015 - 20:38 ]

    I had a few, got drunk on you and now I'm wasted

    Can I have the leader of the fraternity?

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.

    I'd like a guy, please ^^

    kindness is never a burden.

    Is de TS eigenlijk nog actief?

    Bowties were never Cooler

    MikeGClifford schreef:
    Is de TS eigenlijk nog actief?

    Al 5 dagen niet meer. Jammer.

    I had a few, got drunk on you and now I'm wasted

    Oh, dan wacht ik even met mijn rol aan te maken. . .

    " icarus had loved the sun, and so daedalus lost his. "

    -- Laat maar --

    [ bericht aangepast op 13 okt 2015 - 20:37 ]

    I had a few, got drunk on you and now I'm wasted