• Welcome to the
    Murder House

    English / Nederlands
    Loosely based on American Horror Story — Season 1 ; Murder House
    © Feared

          A neighbor walked the dog, and saw a child hanging from a tree in the garden. The rope around his tiny neck; a circle of blood under his childish feet. Pale as a sheet she rushed herself over there — letting out a scream of horror.
          When she finally reached the tree, she stared at it in disbelief. The boy was gone, there was not a single drop of blood and no rope to found. The poor woman had almost had a heart attack, walking her dog home with massive eyes.
          In the beautiful house, just a few inches further into the garden, two boys peeked through the window. Laughing out loud as they high—fived each other. Their necks matched the scars of a rope, colored grey and brown of old blood. Their blue eyes were hollow; but their laughter was not.
          ‘Alright, you’ve won. The next time I’ll make sure she can’t walk away.’ The boys spit on their deal and slithered laughing back into the shadows of that beautiful house.
          A woman sat on the couch in the basement. It was dark and smelly. The bathtub in a corner of the room had old blood marks in it. No one had cleaned it up after she died in it almost five years ago. She inspected her nails as she sighed to the boy next to her. His eyes were up at the ceiling; where they could hear the people above them having breakfast.
          ‘How long have they lived here now? A month, two? Isn’t it time to take it back?’ The boy smiled, not looking away.
          ‘Patience. There is a right time for every death. We don’t want the police to shut the place down, do we?’ His rhetorical question remained unanswered, since the door above the stairs opened and the man of the house walked down with force. He pushed his whining son down, cursing at him as they reached the brick floor.
          For them; the basement was empty. No plotting people, or bloody bathtub. You only started seeing the details if you became one. They would see soon enough, though. Since no one lived long in the Murder House.

    Before you ask anything; please read through all the information and rules.
    If you don’t understand something, I’d be happy to help.


    The people who died in the Murder House are plainly called ‘ghosts’. Not very intriguing, but they almost never refer to themselves as it. In their own eyes they’re just like people. They’re only dead. So, in other words, to the living they’re ghosts and to themselves they’re dead. Just dead.

    How do you become a ghost?
    It’s not like everyone who dies in the house becomes a ghost. It’d become pretty crowded if it were that easy. To become the living dead, you have to be killed by a ghost. Whether that is by accident or intentionally. When they’re somehow involved in your death, your real body dies and you appear back in the house as a ghost.

    What happens to you when you become a ghost?
    When you die and come back as a ghost, your human body remains. Some get buried, others cremated. The most are covered up, since no one wants the police coming down for an investigation. When you’re undead, you can’t leave the house. You’re stuck. Only the space that comes with the house, like the garden, you can visit as a ghost. Once a year there’s a let—out. A day, very specifically chosen, on which the ghosts can leave the house to go wherever they want. It’s on All Hallow’s Eve; or in more modern terms; Halloween. On this day the dead may rise and move freely over the earth. They do have to go back to the Murder House before the sun rises the next day. So you can’t go to the other side of the earth.
    Very important is that people can see and feel you, if you want them to. To them, you can make yourself as real as they are. As if you’re alive. Yet — you can make yourself completely disappear and invisible if you’d prefer that as well. You can’t die, you won’t age. But you can smoke, eat, drink; you just won’t feel or taste any of it.

    How can people protect themselves against ghosts
    When you know you’re dealing with a ghost (which not many people know, unless a ghost has told them so) there are only a few ways you can protect yourself from their presence. The easiest way is to tell them to ‘go away’. When you want them to go away, you repeat this and they will vanish. When you do this, they can’t harm you or talk to you. But they can still see you. You just won’t see them. This keeps up until you’re no longer thinking of the ghost. Which normally isn’t that long. A more permanent and drastic way is to find the remaining’s of their human body. If you successfully found it, you can burn it. That way they’ll disappear forever. It’s just very hard to find them; since they do a really good job at hiding it.

    What do ghosts look like?
    Ghosts look like normal people. You’d not be able to tell if he or she’s dead. But, a ghost can see another ghost’s cause of death. For example; if someone died from hanging, you can see the scars around the neck. Ghosts can choose if they show their scars to humans; but not to other ghosts. That’s how they right away can tell whether someone else is a ghost or not. Even when someone died from poison, there’s still a way of telling.

    Ghosts can master certain powers. Some of them can use a little telekinesis, or read minds. They can tell whether someone is lying or not. They can look into your dreams as you’re sleeping. It’s nothing too big, but they certainly have something. It’s mainly these four things, although there are exceptions. The longer you’re dead; the better you get. Most use them as their advantage, to kill or hunt someone down.
    Also; it's often so that ghosts get the same abilities as the ghost that killed them. There is a certain bond there.

    What are ghosts like?
    There isn’t a brochure of to how a ghost should act. They have to follow rules, like no massacre killing and keep under the radar and such; but they have their own personalities. One thing most of them have in common, though, is their bloodthirst. Ghosts are normally no sweethearts. Once they die, something inside each of them snaps. The first stage after they’ve come back to life is the worst; all they feel is anger, they want either revenge or a bloodbath. It’s up to the others to keep a newbie down. Ghosts like to play with humans; drive them so insane that they slaughter their own family. Because they can’t kill everybody themselves. There would be too many ghosts. No; they rather see them kill themselves. To drive someone so mad is almost as nice as killing them.
          Of course they are not all plain evil; but most are.

    The house
    It’s currently owned by a combined family; which means that the father and mother already had children before they got together. Stepsisters/brothers real brothers/sisters; it’s all an option. If you want a role outside of the family, it could easily be someone out of town who befriends someone in the house or anything. Be creative, and if you’re not sure if I’d approve just ask me.


    — You follow the houserules of Quizlet.
    — Be original with your role; read everything through and make them decent
    — Maximum of 3 roles; not all human or ghost.
    — Reservations are held for 72 hours.
    — Make sure you’ve got enough time for this.
    — Please say so if you change your name


    Full name:
    Nickname: (optional)
    Status: Ghost or Human
    Age: (for ghosts also their real age. They can be about hundred years old maximum.)
    Abilities: (only ghosts need to fill this in; remember that this depends on how long he/she has been dead. Most of them only master two abilities. If you want more, please ask first.)


    Feared / Gaby / Reserved

    Feared / Gaby / (unsure) Reserved
    Tamaki / Lene / Reserved
    Caster / Mirte / Reserved

    [ bericht aangepast op 26 okt 2015 - 17:01 ]

    Feel the fire, but do not succumb to it.

    Male human for me please.

    I'd like a female human.

    [ bericht aangepast op 26 okt 2015 - 12:46 ]

    kindness is never a burden.

    Both of you; noted. (:

    Feel the fire, but do not succumb to it.

    Ik heb de reservatie tijd overigens iets verlengt.

    Feel the fire, but do not succumb to it.