• Hoi!
    Het is een tijdje geleden dat ik op Q ben geweest, maar ideeën blijven zich in mijn hoofd opstapelen en ik kan mijn verhalen eigenlijk nergens kwijt, dus ik wil het schrijven graag weer oppakken. Nu schrijf ik liever in het engels - in hoeverre is er interesse in dit? Zijn er mensen die dit graag lezen?

    Zo ja, welk karakter zouden jullie dan het liefst volgen?


    Nyx, better known as Nyomi Xymenah Rowle, was born on a cold, wintery evening. Her mother was a bright woman, known for being kind and sharing. Her father was a man whom wasn’t fond of chatter and crowds – he often isolated himself, spending days in his office for work. Yet he loved his family more than anything.
    Nyx didn’t exactly have a bad childhood. She was being cared for, and as an only child, she was rather spoiled. They were a happy family, but behind the curtains there were a few cracks. The girl was clever, but quiet. She knew when it was the right moment to talk or not to talk, and knew exactly what she had to say. Nyx was very manipulative, but in a way that she always was seen as the innocent one. Because what could a sweet little girl possibly do? Her curls in pigtails and girly, pink dresses were the perfect cover and she was aware of that.
    Nobody knew how those lifeless birds or cats ended up in their garden. Or how her father overdosed on sleeping pills.
    “But he was happy with his life,” her mother sobbed, telling the neighbor when he got sent off to the hospital, barely surviving and ending up in a mental ward. “I don’t understand. Where did it go wrong?”
    Of course, nobody noticed the girl watching out of her bedroom window, throwing the empty bottle of pills away.
    She didn’t hate her parents. But she didn’t love them, either.

    Now, years later, Nyx hasn’t changed much. She is still the quiet girl no one notices. The one everybody often forgets. She, who stays in the shadows, observing. She knows more about someone than they are aware of, and this is her most dangerous weapon. Nyx has a talent for obtaining information, and often uses this against people. Others perceive her as sweet, innocent. She couldn’t harm a fly, they say.
    But oh, they haven’t been more wrong about something than this.
    Nyx has troubles with understanding herself. She is different, she always knew that. But she embraces it, feeds it. She doesn’t mind. Blood flows everywhere she goes. No matter how often she tried, Nyx was never fond of using weapons such as guns in order to hurt another being. She wants to use her own hands – to feel it – to see them fight it. To make it last. Because there’s nothing in the world that makes her feel more powerful. Seeing others suffer, has always made her feel better. Stronger. As if she could conquer anything. It became a drug, and she couldn’t get enough. Never did she feel guilt.
    Never did she feel.

    Being doomed - that was what Felice is, being the only daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange. Ever since the girl could walk she has been trained to be a replica of her mother; she was raised between the death eaters, causing her to not to trust anyone without the Dark Mark. She’s always been told to not to love, not to feel. According to Bellatrix this was a distraction and a weakness. Felice agreed, and ever since then she didn’t feel a thing when she raised her wand to kill another innocent being.
    She doesn’t know what happiness feels like, but sadness, hate and anger are well-known for the young Lestrange. She finds relief in alcohol, the only thing that allows her to open up a bit more. She is a difficult girl to approach; chances are high that she would just reject you without even thinking about it. She is a bully, a murderer and consumed by the darkness - yet there is a girl beneath all these layers who craves for the affection she’s been missing all her life. Felice isn’t aware of this side of her, though, as that’s just how she’s raised. Felice has a heart - a small and cold one, but still capable of growing.
    Also, the girl is known for being a heartbreaker. She is sly and knows how to get to your weak points after she’s got to know you a bit - she loves it when she can wrap you around her fingers. But of course, she’s got weak points, too. It’s just a matter of finding them.

    Once Felice is lost in her rage, she can be extremely dangerous. She doesn’t think killing is wrong; anyone who bothers her, is sentenced to death. That, or she will be a pain for the rest of your life. She can’t stop herself once she’s angry. Her only goal would be to hurt the person who made her feel like that. She often feels regret afterwards because she can’t think clearly at moments like those. It also gets her in a lot of trouble, which doesn’t please her mom - torture is a punishment Felice is used to.

    Sorry voor de lappen tekst! Dit zijn karakters waarmee ik RP op een andere site, vandaar de uitgebreide beschrijvingen, hehe.

    "When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.''

    Oh ik vind ze allebei leuk, lastig hoor. >.<

    When time and life shook hands and said goodbye.

    What about both hehe.:3

    You were born original, don't die as a copy.