• Star Wars actress Carrie Fisher reportedly suffered a heart attack on a flight into Los Angeles on Friday and was taken to a hospital.

    Los Angeles World Airports Police responded to an emergency at 12:15 p.m. local time at LAX’s Terminal 7 after a female went into cardiac arrest, Officer Alicia Hernandez told EW. LAFD was already performing CPR and took the woman to a local hospital. TMZ reports the woman was Fisher, who was flying from London to Los Angeles.

    Actress Anna Akana posted on Twitter she was on Fisher’s flight and saw her removed by EMT workers. “Don’t know how else to process this but Carrie Fisher stopped breathing on the flight home. Hope she’s gonna be OK,” she tweeted. “So many thanks to the United flight crew who jumped into action, and the awesome doctor and nurse passengers who helped.”

    Fuck 2016! Don't take Carrie away from us!
    The force is strong with this one.

    Mijn gedachten zijn bij Carrie, oh wat vreselijk. :c

    [ bericht aangepast op 24 dec 2016 - 0:06 ]

    “She was another broken doll dreaming of a boy with glue.” - Atticus

    Fuck dit, echt waar. Niet leuk. :c Ze was nog maar zestig.

    Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried

    R.I.P. Carrie Fisher.

    [ bericht aangepast op 28 dec 2016 - 12:19 ]

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.

    Ex astris, sciencia

    Haar moeder is met spoed naar het ziekenhuis gebracht vanwege een beroerte.

    Haar moeder is al overleden aan een hartstilstand. Jeetje zeg.

    [ bericht aangepast op 29 dec 2016 - 4:11 ]

    Oh wat erg...

    Without me, his world will go on turning. A world that's full of happiness, that I have never known

    Haar moeder is vanmacht (?) of gisteren overleden....:O

    Not every fairy tales ends with: and they lived happily ever after - Prince Harry of Wales

    Ja... dat hoor je helaas wel vaker als een familielid overlijd, dat er dan één volgt.
    Wel heel erg voor de rest van de familie zeg... lijkt me heel zwaar

    Wow, dat is echt super erg voor die familie!

    You could be great, you know, it’s all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt

    Oh man. Arme Billie en Todd. :c

    “She was another broken doll dreaming of a boy with glue.” - Atticus