• Ik zeg een engels woordje,
    en jullie zetten hier dan een zinnetje neer, van in welk liedje dat woord voorkomt snap je ?

    bv. disease.

    A disease of the mind, it can control you

    oke lets start : boyfriend

    I see sunset in your eyes

    I didn't steal your boyfriend


    he was a skaterboy, she said see you later boy.


    I see sunset in your eyes

    One last dance with you


    My Foughts You Can't Decode

    I take you to the candy shop

    I am an idiot, I move.

    Earth, wind, water & fire
    Can't get in the way when I'm running to you


    A Noble was Born in Chaos

    don't let me wait in vain for your love

    ik vind dit spel leuk x'D


    My Foughts You Can't Decode

    it's WINter in July!!


    Can you meet me half wey?!

    I wanna fall from the stars straight into your arms

    Superstar xD

    It's heavy but you are not the only one

    I Know A Superstar,

    Dog XD

    It's all for you, my butterfly.

    Who let the dog out? Who Who Who?

    who XD

    Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

    Girl, who taught you how to move like that.

    lost ;D

    lost in this world



    Throw it away
    Forget yesterday
    we'll make the great escape
    we won't hear a word they say
    they don't know us anyway
    watch it burn
    let it die
    'cause we are finally free

    srry dat ik de hele chorus neerzet^^


    Even though it feels like your dying, Hope ain't gone.

    Runaway, life don't make any sence to me.


    Fight for you're love, cause it worth it

    Never again will I love you
