• http://www.msgweirdmaker.nl/bijnaam.php

    Mijne is 'That Bitch'x'D

    EDIT: Vat deze bijnamen niet persoonlijk op ofzo.

    Sweet Lips.

    We can only learn to love by loving.

    of u maffianaam is grappig ^-^

    Keep calm and love Zayn Malik =)

    what ever they want biatch ..

    okee dan xD

    We're all going to hell, and I am driving the bus

    ParisBitch x"D

    I'm not a supermodel, I still eat at McDonalds


    just one more, and then I'm going home

    'I would rather fight with you, than make love to anyone else.'

    Tubby x']

    Je bent nooit uitgeleerd.


    LindseyROCKT don't kill me pleas!! beautiful life

    HENRY (nerd)

    Hello, I'm Henry.

    back stabing prick 0.o

    You'll never dream alone. <3

    That guy, ik ben niet eens een jongen (krul)



    I'm locked away inside this grave

    Fancy Lad

    Like everybody and trust no one.

    Fat Fuck xD

    Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. We're all going to die. Come watch TV.


    I found myself in Wonderland.