• Heel simpel.
    Iemand zegt ; rood of zwart
    Andere; zwart. Zomer of winter?
    etc etc.
    Kerst of Sinterklaas?

    People who are meant to be together always find each other in the end.


    Goed of Kwaad?

    If the compass breaks then follow your heart and I hope it leads you right back into my arms.

    goed. (A)

    Zomer of winter?

    Quizlet of FanFic?

    Be careful what you wish for, 'cause you just might get it all.

    Quizlet, ik ken FanFic niet.
    Chocolade 40% of 75%?

    Als je maar een ananas hebt..

    Justin bieber of Christian Beadles?

    &Toen kon ik niet kiezen.
    Ehm, Justin Bieber <3'
    Msn of Quizlet ?

    Maybe It's not my weekend, but its gonna be my year.

    Quizlet :Y)
    Cola of water?

    If I stopped lying I'd just disappoint you.