• Omdat de andere vol was een nieuwe (:

    Je kiest een liedje of een Film, zoals Sneeuwwitje en de 7 dwergen.
    1 Woord mag je veranderen naar Tampon dus; Sneeuwwitje en de 7 tampons.
    Dat mag ook met een liedje zoals ; Dark side off the Tampon.
    Zet er eventueel ook het originele ernaast, dan weten we toch wat het normale ook.


    Bob de Tampon, uitgevonden door Romina&Julie x

    Beautiful Tampon/Tampon Hangover
    Big Bang - Beautiful Hangover

    "Robbing someone of their smile and putting it on your face doesn’t make you happy." - Tablo

    Come in with the Tampon/ Come in with the rain

    Trust me. I'm the doctor

    Walk This Tampon.
    Aerosmith - Walk This Way.

    No growth of the heart is ever a waste

    The tampon is mine
    -- The world is mine - Alex Day.

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 aug 2010 - 19:12 ]

    make cake, not war

    "X-Men: The Last tampon"

    -X-Men: The Last Stand-

    "The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.

    lord of the tampon

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 aug 2010 - 19:30 ]

    #WWED - What Would Emma Do?

    yes man

    > tampon man!

    #WWED - What Would Emma Do?

    Boer zoekt Tampon!

    Everybody wants forever, I just want to burn up bright...

    Big Time Tampon. ;D
    -big time rush.-

    Life is all about having a good time.

    Tampon for my Valentine.

    Nothing lasts forever, for all good things it's true. I'd rather trade it all, while somehow saving you.

    Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Tampons

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 aug 2010 - 20:03 ]

    Only losers can act the way you do

    Harry Potter and the Globet of Tampons
    Harry Potter and the Order of the Tampons
    Harry Potter and the secret Tampon
    Harry Potter and the Tampon Stone
    Harry Potter and the Tampon Hallows
    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Tampon
    Harry Potter and the Tampon of Azkaban

    Regret is for pussies. Shit happens. Deal with it.

    Break your little tampon.
    All time low -Break your little heart.

    All time Tampon, Lost in Tampons.


    De is funny ;;
    The golden tampon.
    [ the golden compass ] xdd.

    Where The Tampons Overlap
    Where The Lines Overlap