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Céline Holmes

Sociopath is offline

221B Baker Street


Watching awesome TV-series, reading and writing

“Tietjens had walked in the sunlight down the lines, past the hut with the evergreen climbing rose, in the sunlight, thinking in an interval, good-humouredly about his official religion: about the Almighty as, on a colossal scale, a great English Landowner, benevolently awful, a colossal duke who never left his study and was thus invisible, but knowing all about the estate down to the last hind at the home farm and the last oak; Christ, an almost too benevolent Land-Steward, son of the Owner, knowing all about the estate down to the last child at the porter’s lodge, apt to be got round by the more detrimental tenants; the Third Person of the Trinity, the spirit of the estate, the Game as it were, as distinct from the players of the game; the atmosphere of the estate, that of the interior of Winchester Cathedral just after a Handel anthem has been finished, a perpetual Sunday, with, probably, a little cricket for the young men. Like Yorkshire on a Saturday afternoon; if you looked down on the whole broad country you would not see a single village green without its white flannels. That was why Yorkshire always led the averages… Probably by the time you got to heaven you would be so worn out by work on this planet that you would accept the English Sunday, for ever, with extreme relief!”

No more Parades

Parade’s End, Ford Madox Ford

I'm a high-functioning sociopath, do your research.

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Gastenboek (16)

  • Witchling


    9 jaar geleden
  • Witchling


    1 decennium geleden
  • Witchling

    Hoi! =)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Karube

    Jij ook! Benedict Cumberbatch is great C:

    1 decennium geleden
  • Solavellan

    Lol ;) blij dat je het leuk vindt (wel niet zelf gemaakt ;) )

    1 decennium geleden

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