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food paradise


naar de liedjes luisteren van one direction <3 en nog veeeel meer


ik hou van one direction!

"Being a Directioner doesn't mean to have 12.000 Posters and 900.000 followers. Being a Directioner means to love & support 1D no matter what.
Being a Directioner doesn't mean to have all the CDs, t-shirts, and more. Its about the SUPPORT and about our dreams. Some of us are from Australia, America, Germany, Italy and Sweden. Maybe they'll never meet One Direction but they'll support them for ever. That's what matters ?
Being a Directioner means you are dedicated. You support Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Harry Styles and Liam Payne. You love them for more than their looks. You appreciate and apply the things they have taught you to your life. You know there's a song that will make you feel better, no matter what's got you down. When you see them smile, you smile. You respect their privacy, and wish they can have as much as a normal life as possible while still living their dream. You know how hard they work for us each and every day, and in return, we show them love. It's more than just being a fan.
Every Directioner means something special for us.
You love people because you love them, that means loving them even despite/with their flaws.
We are a family, that means we stand up for eachother untied by our love of one direction. It doesn't mean we don't have a right to our own opinions but it means we are one in the same no matter who we are or what we know.
The One Direction Fan Base has always been something that has made me feel special and part of something but now I am scared to say things because I'm afraid of being told I'm not good enough or a fake directioner... I am a proud directioner and no one can take that away from me.
I will never stop loving these boys they made my life better, more exciting and moree emotional...
we're all in love with 5 boys and we definitely know how to share
One Direction have changed my life, and now because of them i have two familys 1DFamily and my Family
One Band. One Dream. One Direction.
I'm a Directioner and I will always be."

i love 1D

ik hou van niall


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2 Creaties van linnenjet

Gastenboek (12)

  • roompje97

    Ja schattie met mij is ook alles goed hoor

    ik ga weer verder met andere dinguuh!!!!


    1 decennium geleden
  • roompje97

    hahaha gekkiexD maar heeeeeeeeej(H)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Seamair

    hahha awwghh dat is echt lief! <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • Seamair

    Awgh jij bent ook super! We kunnen inderdaad goed praten haha! En je bent een leuke meid, altijd leuke reacie's op mijn verhaal en ik be blij dat je hem zo leuk vind :3
    En ik weet zeker als er iets dwars zit dat ik dat bij jouw kwijt kan ;D

    Xoxo' <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • Cheristyles

    Aww zo lief dat je me een berichtje schrijf (H)
    Ik heb net een klein stukje geschreven en wilde die net gaan updaten maar ik moet nu gaan eten haha ik ga hem denk wat langer maken dus be aware binnen nu en een uurtje moet er een update zijn. Ik had het zo druk met mijn werk dat ik helemaaaaal uitgeput was haha.


    1 decennium geleden

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