Guess what?! i'm taking revenge on the sweetest girl in whole wide world (:
I'm not going to place a stupid rhyme or message that i picked from google.
These are my own words, right from my heart flow for you.
Cause you are my stalker, my friend, my soulmate, my clown, my twinkling star, my smile when i come home, my remedy, my muze, my urm... i don't know anything else. Wait... i do. MY EVERYTHING ;D
We complain to each other.
We make jokes to each oter.
We laugh at each other.
We slap each other.
We eat each other (:
Maybe i even love you more than food. MAYBE.
Something i like that is you, something i want that is you, something true that is like you. Just like food ;p
AND NOW i'm gonna get some food cause i'm hungry...


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