Stranger: hajj

You: hii

You: how aree you?

Stranger: good u xD

You: fine...

You: where are you from?

Stranger: yeahhh asl ?

You: 15 woman Netherlands

Stranger: 15 m austria

You: hows the other side of the world doing?

Stranger: i listening music and chat facebook and omegle u ;D

You: school

Stranger: yes but im in the computerroom alone xD

You: haha

You: what time is it overthere?

Stranger: hehe 9:37

You: night or morning?

Stranger: in the morning

You: really...

Stranger: yeahh

You: it's 9.30 morning here xD

You: wait... it's 2 june overthere right?

Stranger: no 1 june by me

You: really, here to...

Stranger: cooool

Stranger: have u facebook

Stranger: to chat

You: jup

Stranger: can i send you a friendrequwest

You: sure

Stranger: whats your name

Stranger: on facebook

You: ankje

Stranger: how look your pic on fb

You: I've got an old child photo

You: with a coockie and a bear xD

Stranger: coool xD

Stranger: what is your full name

You: Ankje Dijkstra

You: like, facking dutch....

Stranger: hahahha

You: yeah laugh, I'd rather be born in England or somewhere they talk english..

Stranger: i cant find u

You: boehoee....

Stranger: how look u ?xD

You: wait, i'll find you..

You: what's your name?

Stranger: david alexander pucher

You: Awsume name!

You: added you

Stranger: hehehe

You: no bad things.... right?

Stranger: yes no bad things

You: nevermind, i was hoping not to meet a creep, i didn't

You: what's your music style like?

Stranger: linken park pitpull flo rida u

You: OMG

You: me too

Stranger: alll good music

Stranger: cooool

You: jup

You: my nephew saw them live

Stranger: to you know burn it down linken park

Stranger: coool

Stranger: its a song

You: jup

You: ofcoursse

Stranger: yeahh i hear that jet

Stranger: or back in time pitpull

You: awsume, i can't listen i'm at school.. :(

Stranger: ohhhh hahha

You: jeah laugh, my whole class is on omegle..

Stranger: im also in school but i must not work xDD

Stranger: chat by fb ?:D

You: can't fb is forbidden

Stranger: by us also but i alone without teacher ;DDD

You: haha

You: our teacher watches us...

Stranger: hahaha

You: our teacher is about to leave xD

Stranger: how long have u school ?XD

You: until something like 4 O clock...

You: teacher gone.. like fuck yeah

Stranger: yeahhh .DDD

Stranger: i go off by :DDD

You: byee!

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