de engelse test [the english test]

kan jij goed engels?

can you talk good English?

Mogelijke uitkomsten

fantastic! (111 x uitgekomen)

you are fantastic at english
i know you get high grades

good work!

good.. (2 x uitgekomen)

very good,
if you practice litte more
you get better at english


bad... (1 x uitgekomen)

you're very bad at english
il think you can't understand this to..
but thats not important..

practice more and more and you get much better.




Reageer (15)

  • XxLeentjjxX

    fantastic i now somtimes spaek i with my mother english for de fun:D (ik kan het juist nog nie goe schrijven dus ik weet nie of het allemaal juist geschreven is:d)

    1 decennium geleden
  • xPriscilla


    1 decennium geleden
  • dierenfreak i mean

    1 decennium geleden
  • dierenfreak

    i'm really good with English!
    english lessons at scool are so BOOOOOOOOOOOORING!!!!!

    1 decennium geleden
  • bella8


    1 decennium geleden

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