Is your website succesful?

It's easy, you have multiply choice (:. Just pick one answer and find out if your website is a succes (krul)

Mogelijke uitkomsten

Alright! (4 x uitgekomen)

Your webdesign skills are AWESOME! Keep going this way, hundreds of people visit your site everyday. And you keep getting better.

Hmmm.. (2 x uitgekomen)

I think you should keep practising a little bit so you can build up your webdesign skills, but if you are satisfied; you should advertise yourself! Your site will become huge one day, this is just not your time.

Average (0 x uitgekomen)

Your layouts are well-made, you update enough. You are only not very famous in the webworld, try to change that. Add something extra on your site to entertain people and you are on your way to the top, baby!



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